Republican Senators Hall of Shame

Obamacare Collaborators

          On September 27 twenty-five Republican Senators voted with Democrat Harry Reid to fund Obamacare.  As collaborators in the scheme to implement socialized medicine, these senators will never again be able to claim that they are conservatives.  Their phony second vote doesn’t fool anyone.  By first voting for cloture (to end debate, which would then require 60 votes instead of a simple majority to pass the Republican bill to defund Obamacare) they ensured that the second vote would fail.  In essence, they voted for Obamacare before they voted against it.  In so doing, they missed one of the last opportunities to stop this country from going down the road to socialism and the inevitable economic disaster that it will bring.  It seems that these establishment senators, these ‘encrusted Beltway barnacles’, as Michelle Malkin would call them, just couldn’t tolerate a young ‘whippersnapper’ like Ted Cruz who was willing to stand up to the liberal bullies.  

America at a Crossroads

          Conservative Americans, including Tea Party Patriots, bloggers and concerned citizens are outraged and fed up with spineless Republicans.  These senators were elected to do everything they could to stop Obamacare, yet when the time came to do battle, they backed down and cowered before the Obamunists.  Our country is at a crossroads.  Will we continue this sharp turn to the left or return to our center-right roots, exemplified by everything that President Ronald Reagan stood for?  Conservatives are hard at work identifying strong candidates to run against these pseudo-Republicans in their next primary elections.  We no longer need to fear the possibility that doing so might mean losing the seat to a Democrat.  After all, what would be the difference!  In the meantime, Senator Mitch McConnell must be replaced by Senator Ted Cruz as Senate Minority Leader.  It’s time to clear out the dried up, old, dead wood and bring in some fresh new conservatives who are willing and able to take on the socialists!


          The following Republican Senators voted with Harry Reid and the Democrats in favor of Obama’s socialized medicine plan.  On a personal note, I must say that I am particularly disappointed in John Thune, John Barrasso and Ron Johnson!  Every committed conservative must call, write and tweet these individuals to let them know how they feel about their inexcusable vote for socialized medicine.

Lamar Alexander, TN

Kelly Ayotte, NH

John Barrasso, WY

Roy Blunt, MO

John Boozman, AR

Richard Burr, NC

Saxby Chambliss, GA

Jeff Chiesa, NJ

Daniel Coates, IN

Tom Coburn, OK

Thad Cochran, MS

Susan Collins, ME

Bob Corker, TN

John Cornyn, TX

Lindsey Graham, SC

John Hoeven, ND

Johnny Isakson, GA

Mike Johanns, NE

Mark Kirk, IL

Ron Johnson, WI

John McCain, AZ

Mitch McConnell, KY

Lisa Murkowski, AK

John Thune, SD

Roger Wicker, MS

2 thoughts on “Republican Senators Hall of Shame”

  1. Boy, there are quite a few on this list of no good good for nothings! I am particularly disappointed in Thad Cochran of Mississippi who I worked hard for back in the 70’s! You can see where he is one of the “dried up old dead wood” we need to get rid of. All of them are wolves in sheeps clothing! Time to clean house!!!

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