Republicans Take Country Back

Republicans Sweep Races across the Country

          Almost immediately after Barack Obama’s unexplainable re-election in 2012, many voters began to regret their decision to support him.  As Obama’s second term unfolded, the lies and illegal maneuvers he used to push his liberal agenda caused many Americans to come to terms with the fact that their president was a radical socialist.  Over the next two years, the bandwagon of anti-Obama voters became a steamroller, culminating in the historic Republican Sweep of House, Senate, Gubernatorial and State Legislative seats throughout the country.  Anyone who doubts the historic proportions of this win for conservatives needs only to look at the Republican Governors elected in the ultra-liberal states of Illinois, Maryland and Massachusetts!

Historic Victory Coincides with Reagan Anniversaries

          As many have pointed out, Ronald Reagan would be proud to see that the country he loved has been taken back by the people he admired so much.  And, of course, it’s not lost on students of history that the Republican Sweep of November 4, 2014 coincides with the anniversaries of several of President Reagan’s major rendezvous with destiny.  Fifty years ago on October 27, 1964, Reagan addressed the nation with his nationally televised speech in support of Barry Goldwater.  This speech become known as “A Time for Choosing” and marked the beginning of the conservative movement in the United States.  This week’s Republican Sweep also coincides with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which took place on November 9, 1989.  Reagan worked his entire adult life to bring an end to the ‘evil empire’ and it is he who is largely responsible for raising the iron curtain.  Because of this great Republican, millions across Europe now live in freedom.  Yes, there is, indeed, much to celebrate and be thankful for this week.