The Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump
With the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States we have been given one more chance to Make America Great Again. After the unfathomable reelection in 2012 of the worst president ever I didn’t think this would ever be possible again. It is truly a miracle that we have a Republican President along with firm majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. There is no question that the majority of Americans are behind our new president and support his agenda to Make America Great Again, despite what the polls would like you to think. The legions of motivated Trump supporters will ensure that lawmakers immediately begin to undo the disastrous damage done by the Obama regime.
Perhaps the most beautiful moment in a wonderful day of inauguration festivities was the sight of the Marine helicopter disappearing in the skies of Washington, D.C. It was truly pathetic to observe the countenance of a disgraced and failed president as he envisioned all the great things that his successor outlined in his inaugural speech. The new president is the diametric opposite of the anti-Christian socialist who has occupied our White House for the last eight years. The handful of Bolsheviks spewing hate and vitriol in the streets during the inauguration weekend represent the hard core leftists who now see the handwriting on the wall. They are angry because they must come to terms with the fact that America’s dalliance with socialism was a complete failure and the adults are now back in charge. God Bless our new president and his wonderful family!