Left Wing Temper Tantrums
It doesn’t look like the childish temper tantrums of the left-wing America haters are going to abate any time soon. Like naughty children who don’t get their way, they are yelling, crying, hitting, throwing and spitting to show their displeasure at American becoming great again. Perhaps the most egregious example of their idiocy is the tearing down of historic monuments.
Millennial Snowflakes
It is the Millennials in particular, the ones who always got a participation trophy and never learned how to lose graciously, who are now going off the rails. The liberal teachers who indoctrinated them from K through 12 ensured that they would become good little socialists and now their communist college professors are coddling them with hot cocoa, safe spaces and special counseling whenever an American speaker dares to visit their campus.
Trump Train Gaining Momentum
Clearly, their pathetic arguments can’t hold up to the conservatives who challenge them, so their only recourse is to throw a temper tantrum. And their antics keep getting worse as they see the rest of the country moving on without them. Keep it up, Snowflakes! The more the rest of us see this display of hatred for our wonderful country, the more folks are joining the Trump Train!