The More the Haters Hate, the More Americans Love Trump

Enough Already!         

          For 17 months the haters have been doing everything they can to thwart the will of the American people.  If one thing doesn’t work, they just move on to the next fantasy in their bag of dirty tricks.  Well, let me tell you, we are sick and damn tired of having our country held hostage by a group of folks who hate America.  There is some satisfaction in knowing how frustrating it must be for the America haters to see that the more they hate, the more popular President Trump becomes.  Their desperation is rooted in the reality that we have a president who truly loves American, while they hate America and everything it stands for.

Best President Ever Succeeds Worst President Ever!

          We had to endure eight years of a socialist president to get one of the best presidents ever.  It is a testament to the strength of our country and to the American people who were able to admit a horrible mistake.  President Trump is likely the most intelligent and shrewd president we have had since President Richard Nixon.  Highly regarded as one of the greatest presidents of the second half of the 20th Century, Nixon was subjected to the same unjustified hate by the liberal Congress at the time and the always liberal press.  Another prominent president of that era, President John Kennedy, would not recognize the Democrat Party of today.  President Kennedy’s party has moved far to the left, while the Republicans have maintained their same values and beliefs.  No doubt that is why so many Democrats have jumped on the Trump Train.