It’s Time for NPR to Go

 It’s Time for NPR to Go       

          If it wasn’t already clear, the liberals at National Public Radio (NPR) exposed their political agenda for the entire world to see when they summarily fired Juan Williams on Wednesday.  Mr. Williams is no conservative, but he is a decent man who has been willing to step up to the plate and contribute to a civil discourse between members on each side of the political divide extant (see WOW)  in our country today.  Mr. Williams merely stated his personal feeling that he gets nervous on an airplane if he sees people in Muslim garb.  I cannot image that Mr. Williams has a prejudiced bone in his body, but this was apparently too much for the liberal ‘thought police’ at NPR who obviously want to limit our right to free speech in favor of political correctness.  It seems that liberals can say just about anything with impunity because it is always in the name of ‘diversity’, but anyone who expresses an opposing view is guilty of ‘hate speech’.  Well, we have had enough.  We will not have our tax dollars supporting a biased, one-sided organization like NPR.  Putting an end to the funding for NPR should be added to the long list of items to be accomplished when conservatives regain control of Congress.