Are Liberals’ Brains Wired Differently?

Are Liberals’ Brains Wired Differently?      

           In a recent issue of the New York Times, Thanassis Cambanis wrote a review of Scott L. Malcomson’s book, Generation’s End.  In it he describes how Malcomson and his wife console each other over “America’s bellicose (see WOW) response to 9/11”.  It seems to me that Mr. Malcomson should have been consoling himself over the horrible loss of life inflicted on his country by a brutal enemy on that day nine years ago.  Does he need to be reminded that more lives were lost on 9/11 than during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941?  In each case the unprovoked attack signaled that the perpetrator had officially declared war on the United States.  A good case could be made that, the Clinton administration was asleep at the wheel for eight years, as the enemy slowly increased its attacks, leading to the crescendo that was 9/11.  It is not surprising that Mr. Malcomson works for the New York Times and subsequently worked for the United Nations.  It is this kind of wrongheaded thinking that has led many to believe that the brains of liberals are simply wired differently than those of the rest of us.  For mainstream Americans it is inconceivable that we would have had anything but a bellicose response to the attacks on 9/11!

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