Americans Poised to Reject Socialism
The term American socialist seems almost like an oxymoron. Socialism goes against just about everything that America stands for, yet there is a significant minority in this country today, who have been surprisingly successful in advancing their socialist agenda in an effort to fundamentally change America. But all indications point to a dramatic rejection in the midterm elections next month of this insidious element that crept into the U.S. government largely during the 2008 elections. Our country is more divided now in terms of the two competing political philosophies vying for control than at any time in its history. Many of us believe that the choices were just as clear in 2008, but that many were blinded by star power and the desire for change.
Let’s take a look at the definitions of socialism, communism and Marxism, so that we will know and understand the enemy within. The German philosopher Karl Marx floated a theory in the mid-1800s that a utopian society, an economic and political system known as communism, could be created where there would be no social classes and no central state government. This would be accomplished by promoting class warfare and eliminating private property in order to control the economic means of productivity. In Marx’ own words, “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”. Essentially, wealth would be redistributed by taking from the rich and giving it to the poor. The terms Marxism and communism are often used interchangeably, but Marxism is essentially the theory while communism is the practical application.
Socialism is a stage of society in Marxist theory that is transitional between capitalism and communism. In other words, it is just a temporary step on the way from capitalism to communism. Socialism is an economic and in some applications a political theory advocating collective government ownership and administration of production and distribution of goods. The government controls the means of production and the distribution of resources by the nationalization of key industries. The concept of private property is eschewed and there is no freedom and power of the individual to make his own decisions. The next step would be communism, where the entire economy is controlled generally by a single authoritarian party and there is no private property.
Gee, does all of this sound familiar? Since the elections of 2008, the federal government has taken over banks, investment firms, car manufacturers and the health care industry. If, God forbid, the left-wing liberals hold on to their majority, they will be chomping at the bit to pass Cap and Trade, ostensibly (see WOW) to tackle climate change, but which actually is just a vehicle to redistribute wealth. How much more do we need to see in order to recognize the motives of those currently in control?
It would appear that the professors who dot the Executive Branch landscape ‘don’t know much about his-to-ry’. If they did they would know that none of this nonsense has worked in the past. It didn’t work for Lenin or Stalin or Mao and it certainly isn’t working for Obama. November 2nd could be our last opportunity to stop those who would obliterate the America that our Founders envisioned. Every one of us must make sure we exercise our hard-won right to vote and support the candidates who are on our side. And every one of us should be familiar enough with the issues that we can convince at least one additional person, perhaps someone who never votes or is on the fence, to vote along with us. If the Founders were willing to put their lives and personal treasure on the line for these principles and if thousands of men and women in uniform were willing to give their lives in the ensuing years to keep them viable, then we can do no less.