Boy Scouts Hire Gay Leader
Journey of Transition
It took less time than we predicted for the Boy Scouts to take the next step on their journey of transition. The organization achieved the next rank on the gay agenda yesterday when the Boy Scouts’ Greater New York Councils announced that they were hiring an openly gay adult camp leader, Pascal Tessier. The National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America, headquartered in Irving, Texas lifted the ban on admitting openly gay boy scouts in 2013 and that policy became effective just one year ago. Tessier was at the forefront of that campaign which ultimately removed one of the bedrock principles of the Boy Scouts. Many of us correctly predicted that this would just be the first step.
Liberal Leadership
The ban on openly gay scouts had served the organization well since its founding by Lord Baden-Powell in 1910 and had even survived a Supreme Court challenge. It was a policy that reassured both scouts and parents that boys would not be exposed to the recruiting devices of militant gays and it also meant there was at least one last organization providing wholesome activities for youth that had not been sexualized. But unfortunately, the fate of this once grand organization was sealed when the leadership of the Boy Scouts was systematically populated with a number of prominent liberals. One can only wonder what their next steps will be. Perhaps a merit badge in transgender transitioning? Or removing the words, ‘On my honor I will do my best…to keep myself…morally straight’ from the Scout Oath.
Alternative Organizations
The reaction from parents, scouts and ordinary citizens to the sudden shift in policy back in 2013 was swift and dramatic. There has been an exodus of members from the Boy Scouts, many of whom have transferred to alternative organizations. Most notable among these is Trail Life USA, which was founded in 2013 and follows the original principles of the Boy Scouts. In just a little more than one year, the organization had formed more than 524 troops in 48 states, with 20,000 members. An additional 300 troops are currently in the process of being chartered. American Heritage Girls is the corresponding alternative to the Girl Scouts, which has become heavily influenced by liberal organizations such as Planned Parenthood. I no longer contribute money to the Scouts and invite you to join me in supporting Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls instead.

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