Jay R. Thomas

The Boy Scout Emblem

Boy Scouts Hire Gay Leader

Journey of Transition

          It took less time than we predicted for the Boy Scouts to take the next step on their journey of transition.  The organization achieved the next rank on the gay agenda yesterday when the Boy Scouts’ Greater New York Councils announced that they were hiring an openly gay adult camp leader, Pascal Tessier.  The National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America, headquartered in Irving, Texas lifted the ban on admitting openly gay boy scouts in 2013 and that policy became effective just one year ago.  Tessier was at the forefront of that campaign which ultimately removed one of the bedrock principles of the Boy Scouts.  Many of us correctly predicted that this would just be the first step.

Liberal Leadership

          The ban on openly gay scouts had served the organization well since its founding by Lord Baden-Powell in 1910 and had even survived a Supreme Court challenge.  It was a policy that reassured both scouts and parents that boys would not be exposed to the recruiting devices of militant gays and it also meant there was at least one last organization providing wholesome activities for youth that had not been sexualized.  But unfortunately, the fate of this once grand organization was sealed when the leadership of the Boy Scouts was systematically populated with a number of prominent liberals.  One can only wonder what their next steps will be.  Perhaps a merit badge in transgender transitioning?  Or removing the words, ‘On my honor I will do my best…to keep myself…morally straight’ from the Scout Oath.

Alternative Organizations

          The reaction from parents, scouts and ordinary citizens to the sudden shift in policy back in 2013 was swift and dramatic.  There has been an exodus of members from the Boy Scouts, many of whom have transferred to alternative organizations.  Most notable among these is Trail Life USA, which was founded in 2013 and follows the original principles of the Boy Scouts.  In just a little more than one year, the organization had formed more than 524 troops in 48 states, with 20,000 members.  An additional 300 troops are currently in the process of being chartered.  American Heritage Girls is the corresponding alternative to the Girl Scouts, which has become heavily influenced by liberal organizations such as Planned Parenthood.  I no longer contribute money to the Scouts and invite you to join me in supporting Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls instead.

The Eagle Scout Award
The Eagle Scout Award

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Unspeakable Barbarity

An Indelible Image of Depraved Barbarity

          There is a photo circulating on some news and social media sites which is so horrible that I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind.  It shows a little boy around five years old hanging from a rope, allegedly killed by Muslims because his family was Christian.  It is difficult to know whether photos like this are authentic, but if this one is, it has to be one of the most horrible things I have ever seen.  One can’t help but imagine the terror this child experienced at the hands of his captors.  One also has to wonder whether he was forced to watch his parents meet the same fate before him.  He must have suffered greatly as he was slowly asphyxiated to death. 

The World Has Seen Such Evil Before

          That any human being would do this to anyone, let alone a precious child, is beyond comprehension.  This evil act shows the extent of depraved barbarity exhibited by the Islamic Terrorists and should be a wake-up call for every peace loving person in the world.  It is impossible not to be horrified by this image.  To see something evil like this and not act against it would be to repeat the mistake of those who stood by during the horrors of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.  Let all decent people throughout the world resolve to wipe this hideous scourge from the planet.

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Islamic Terrorist Savagery

The Unspeakable Savagery of Islamic Terrorists

          The civilized world has been rocked with horror by the unspeakably savage murder of a captured Jordanian pilot by Islamic terrorists.  As they learned the gruesome fate of LT Moaz al-Kasasbeh, who was doused with gasoline while confined in a cage and then burned alive, perhaps the ostriches of the world finally heard their wake-up call and will get their heads out of the sand.  It is difficult to imagine how any human being could do such a horrific thing to another human being.  But then, we are dealing with the ‘religion of peace’ which has no regard for human life or limb.  These savages must be immediately squashed like the cockroaches they are wherever they exist throughout the world.

Obama is Responsible

          Mr. Obama, whose world view is shaped by his years as a Muslim boy, reacted to this atrocity by saying, ‘whatever ideology they’re operating off of, it’s bankrupt’.  Really?  You are supposedly the gifted speaker from Harvard Law School and you can’t articulate it a little better than that!  How can the President of the United States not know that the ideology of these beasts is to kill anyone who doesn’t agree with them?  That’s a little more than bankrupt!  It is perverted, inhuman and brutal!  Mr. Obama, your Islamic sympathies combined with your inexperience in world affairs are directly responsible for the situation the world finds itself in today.  You and anyone associated with your administration should be held accountable for the loss of all that we fought for in the Middle East over the last decade.

Allies Forming Up for World War Three

          We are clearly at the precipice of World War Three and anyone who denies this is delusional.  The world is looking for a few leaders, brave men like President Harry Truman, who are not afraid to define and confront the enemy.  We’re looking for a leader like Winston Churchill to replace the Neville Chamberlin in the White House.  There is some glimmer of hope when we see brave civilians from the U.S. joining the Kurdish fighters in Iraq to fight ISIS.  And we can be thankful for strong pro-Western leaders like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, King Abdullah II of Jordan and President el-Sisi of Egypt.  But now it’s time for moderate Muslims to make themselves heard.  Step up and show us that you do actually exist.  With the beheadings of two Japanese citizens by these same monsters, perhaps Japan will now join the coalition to defeat ISIS.  It would behoove Russia, China, Turkey and all nations of the European Union to join the fight with coalition forces, which currently include Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.  Let’s roll!  

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French Military Guarding National Landmarks in Paris

Have Islamic Terrorists Finally Awakened the Sleeping Giant?

Islam is 10% Religion and 90% Fascist Political System        

          The terrorist attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, may just have been the straw that broke the camel’s back.  A couple of Islamic losers slaughtered 12 human beings, including the brave editors and staff of the magazine and a policeman who happened to be a Muslim.  This ruthless act was much more than a crime against humanity, it was an assault on one of the most fundamental values of Western Society, freedom of speech.  Because of this, it has sparked anger and outrage from peace loving people throughout the world and has clearly defined Islam for exactly what it is…10% religion and 90% fascist political system!

Leadership Vacuum

          Ignoring the ‘Islam’ problem as France, the United Kingdom and the United States have done in recent years is clearly not working.  The Islamic terrorists have made unprecedented gains since George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy and Pope Benedict XVI left the world stage, leaving Angela Merkel and Benjamin Netanyahu as the only remaining real leaders of the free world.  So…Obama, Pope Francis and French President Hollande had better set their socialist agendas aside, get their heads out of the sand and address the problem at hand.  It is time for the world to unite and coordinate their efforts to end Islamic terrorism.  In addition to the countries that have worked together in the past, this alliance must include Russia, China and India.  But it will take a few real leaders to step up and chart the course. 

What We Need to Do 

Here is what we need to do for starters:

-Fully embrace and nurture the 10% of Islam that is religion and formally declare war on the 90% of Islam that is fascist political system

-Reinforce the Guantanamo Detention Facility and establish others

-Arrest as a traitor anyone who promotes or supports radical Islam in any way

-Seal the borders and impose a temporary moratorium on immigration from Islamic countries

-Revoke the passports and citizenship from anyone traveling out of the country to fight with the terrorists

-Declare Sharia law to be illegal and wipe it out wherever it exists in free countries

-Open up and expose the ‘No-Go Zones’ in Muslim neighborhoods in France

-Closely monitor Mosques which are known to be petri dishes for Islamic extremism

Alright, there you have it.  It’s as simple as that, but will our ‘leaders’ have the spine to stand up to the Islamic terrorists?  We better hope they do!

French Military Guarding National Landmarks in Paris
French Military Guarding National Landmarks in Paris
French Police Guarding National Landmarks in Paris
French Police Guarding National Landmarks in Paris


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