Barack Obama…A Complete and Total Failure
With the implosion of Iraq looming on the horizon, Barack Obama has now secured his place in history as the worst president ever (WPE). The utter failure of his foreign policy coupled with six years of the Great Obama Recession have clinched the deal and virtually assured him of this dubious distinction. The man who once was hailed in the European headlines as ‘A President for the World’ is now ‘A President for the House Judiciary Committee‘. Even the most liberal Americans are now admitting that it was a mistake to have voted for an inexperienced college professor who had nothing going for him other than that he was young, articulate and African-American. His only remaining fan seems to be Jimmy Carter, who has now moved up to the position of second worst president ever. Barack Obama must either resign or be removed from office, since many do not believe the United States can withstand another two years of his tyranny.
Too Many Reasons to Count
The failures of Obama’s policies and the many other reasons why he must step down have been well-chronicled on this and other journals. Suffice it to say here that he has kept none of his promises, he threw his re-election with lies and by using his presidential power to suppress the opposition, he has left the world in chaos by his absolute lack of understanding of foreign affairs and he has inflicted pain and suffering on untold millions by his unnecessary prolongation of the Great Obama Recession. If that wasn’t enough, Barack Obama has shown an absolute disregard for the United States Constitution by circumventing Congress and implementing his liberal agenda through executive orders and other actions that would make a dictator blush. Finally, he has eviscerated the long held cultural values of our country by making a mockery of marriage and through his pussification of the military, among other things. What was supposed to be the most transparent administration in history has now become the most corrupt. In all fairness, however, we must concede that Barack Obama did make good on one promise…to fundamentally change America.
Incompetent Boob or Purposeful Anti-American?
Did Barack Obama fail the American people due to his incompetence and lack of experience or was it a deliberate plan on his part to diminish the United States? Compelling arguments can be made for either assertion. On the one hand, many believe that his anti-American actions are entirely consistent with his past history and that his Harvard education precludes the possibility that he is an incompetent boob. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that his rise to power resulted from preferential treatment based on his race rather than merit, making him the first Affirmative Action president. It is unfortunate that the reverse discrimination inherent in Affirmative Action had to be confirmed in such a dramatic fashion. Most Americans truly hoped that our first African-American president would be an overwhelming success. Instead, Barack Obama has dealt a serious blow to the hopes and dreams of people of color not only in this country, but throughout the world. Taken together, all these things make Barack Obama the worst president ever and the first president actually deserving of impeachment by the United States House of Representatives and conviction by the United States Senate.