A Clear Cut Case for Impeachment
There is now a clear case for impeaching Barack Obama based on his fraudulent use of government agencies and officials to manipulate the information available to voters on important issues that determined the outcome of the 2012 presidential election. Many Americans were stunned on the evening of the election as they tried to understand how a dismally failed president could have been re-elected. Voting citizens of the United States are not stupid. You may be able to fool them once, but it’s highly unlikely that they could be fooled a second time. So how could he have been re-elected? Well, we now know. There is mounting evidence that the 2012 presidential election results were a fraud and that Barack Obama was not legitimately re-elected as President of the United States.
The Evidence against Obama
Barack Obama and his re-election campaign deliberately lied to the American people on nearly every issue that was key to determining who would be elected president in 2012. He abused his power as president to use government agencies and officials to feed false information to the media, to lie directly to the American voters and to silence his opposition. Each of the following fraudulent acts will stand as a basis for an Article of Impeachment:
1) The Economy: Within a month of taking office, Barack Obama brought the Census Bureau under White House control. At the time it was thought the move was made so that he could manipulate redistricting to the Democrats’ advantage. It just happens that the household surveys which determine unemployment statistics are conducted by the Census Bureau for the Department of Labor. New reports now indicate that those numbers were manipulated just one month before the 2012 presidential election to produce the unlikely sudden decline in the unemployment rate from 8.1% to 7.8%. This false report just before the election had a significant impact on how voters viewed Obama’s handling of the economy. The trail of this deception leads directly to the White House.
2) The War on Terror: Barack Obama had his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and other officials representing the government purposely and repeatedly lie to the American voters about the circumstances surrounding the terrorist attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya that occurred on September 11, 2012. To have an American ambassador and three other Americans murdered by Islamic terrorists just two months before the presidential election of 2012 did not fit with the false narrative they were promulgating (see Word of the Week), specifically that Barack Obama had the war on terror under control. Both the President and the Secretary of State knew that it was a planned terrorist attack, but they wanted the American voters to think that it was a random act of violence and therefore attributed it to a spontaneous riot over a little known video which they knew had nothing to do with it. While this deception may partly have been to cover up their own inaction during the attack, its main purpose was to mislead the American voters into believing that Barack Obama had ‘won the war on terror’, a gross falsehood that would nonetheless win him more votes. The subsequent silencing of any witnesses to the Benghazi terrorist attack has made it impossible to determine why Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton ignored calls for assistance during the attack by those who were killed.
3) Obamacare: Barack Obama and his government appointees systematically, repeatedly and knowingly lied to the American voters about Obamacare in order to swing the 2012 presidential election. He stated that when Obamacare was implemented, citizens would be able to keep their health insurance if they liked it, as well as their doctor, and that they would realize an average savings of $2,500 a year under the new law. He had his appointees representing government agencies back this up to make it sound legitimate, when all the while, they knew that none of this could possibly be true. These lies and deceptions were designed to postpone the American voters’ knowledge of the real effects that Obamacare would have on them until after the election.
4) Government Suppression of the Opposition: Perhaps the most egregious of all the crimes committed by Barack Obama was his use of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to intimidate and suppress groups that were opposed to his re-election. By delaying or denying tax exempt status to conservative groups like those affiliated with the Tea Party movement, Barack Obama silenced the opposition and interfered with their ability to campaign against him in the run up to the 2012 presidential election. One might expect such flagrant abuse of power in a dictatorship, but certainly not in the United States of America! This alone is sufficient grounds for impeachment.
Makes President Nixon Look like a Choirboy
Barack Obama is undoubtedly the most corrupt politician in recent history. Fortunately, he is also the most incompetent president in the history of the United States, limiting to some extent the damage he could cause. The criminal acts which he committed to get re-elected make the Watergate break-in look like a junior high school prank. As investigations continue, there may be additional articles of impeachment for other crimes, such as Barack Obama’s spying on American citizens through the National Security Agency (NSA) and his Department of Justice’s selective enforcement of laws passed by Congress. Because Barack Obama has blocked all investigations into these fraudulent acts, the appointment of a special prosecutor followed by impeachment proceedings is the only way to expose the full extent of his crimes.
Mitt Romney Should Be Our President
A Washington Post-ABC News poll released this week, conducted just one year after the 2012 presidential election, shows that Mitt Romney would beat Barack Obama 49% to 45% among registered voters if a rematch were held this month. The results of this poll reflect not only the abject failure of Barack Obama as a leader, but also the growing realization that he abused his powers as president to illegally manipulate the information that voters needed to make their decision in the presidential election of 2012. The re-election of Barack Obama was clearly fraudulent and proceedings for the impeachment of this man should begin immediately in the United States House of Representatives.