Jay R. Thomas

Mail Truck Loaded with Conservative Mailings

Where Did My Contribution Go?

Direct Mail Fundraising Campaign Ate Up My Contribution

          There are many great conservative organizations out there working hard to preserve the values and heritage of our wonderful country.  Like many of you, I have selected a few of them which I believe are particularly effective and I send a modest annual contribution to each of them.  My thinking is that if every conservative sent a little contribution to a number of organizations, they would each have enough money to keep their good work going.  What I am finding, however, is that for the next year or so whatever money I sent is spent on postage by some of these organizations in an attempt to get me to send more money.  And some of these mailings are in huge envelopes weighed down with pointless surveys and other materials that cost a lot of money to produce and print.

Today's Mail: A Barrage of Direct Mail Fundraising Requests
Today’s Mail: A Barrage of Direct Mail Fundraising Requests

Mailman Gives Me a Dirty Look   

          My mailman even gives me a dirty look when he delivers my mail these days.  Not that he minds having a lot of mail to deliver, because that helps justify his job, but the handful of envelopes that arrive each day are plastered with conservative messages and anti-Obama slogans.  As a member of the American Postal Workers Union, he is surely a liberal Democrat, slathering over the ‘anointed one’ like all good Obamatrons.  It must really rankle him to have to handle and deliver these ‘tainted’ missives.  And it rankles me to have to rummage through them looking for my important mail and then to have to shred the junk mail.

Mail Truck Loaded with Conservative Mailings
Mail Truck Loaded with Conservative Mailings

Could I Opt Out?

          I know direct mail fundraising is crucial to the survival of many of these organizations, but it is frustrating to see my money essentially wasted on me.  It would be great if there were a way for minor contributors like myself, who just want to show their support for these organizations, to opt out of future mailings.  While I do make additional contributions around election time, particularly to individual candidates, I do not plan to make more than one contribution a year for the most part and would like to see my money go for something more worthwhile to support the conservative cause by these organizations. 

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Republican Senators Hall of Shame

Obamacare Collaborators

          On September 27 twenty-five Republican Senators voted with Democrat Harry Reid to fund Obamacare.  As collaborators in the scheme to implement socialized medicine, these senators will never again be able to claim that they are conservatives.  Their phony second vote doesn’t fool anyone.  By first voting for cloture (to end debate, which would then require 60 votes instead of a simple majority to pass the Republican bill to defund Obamacare) they ensured that the second vote would fail.  In essence, they voted for Obamacare before they voted against it.  In so doing, they missed one of the last opportunities to stop this country from going down the road to socialism and the inevitable economic disaster that it will bring.  It seems that these establishment senators, these ‘encrusted Beltway barnacles’, as Michelle Malkin would call them, just couldn’t tolerate a young ‘whippersnapper’ like Ted Cruz who was willing to stand up to the liberal bullies.  

America at a Crossroads

          Conservative Americans, including Tea Party Patriots, bloggers and concerned citizens are outraged and fed up with spineless Republicans.  These senators were elected to do everything they could to stop Obamacare, yet when the time came to do battle, they backed down and cowered before the Obamunists.  Our country is at a crossroads.  Will we continue this sharp turn to the left or return to our center-right roots, exemplified by everything that President Ronald Reagan stood for?  Conservatives are hard at work identifying strong candidates to run against these pseudo-Republicans in their next primary elections.  We no longer need to fear the possibility that doing so might mean losing the seat to a Democrat.  After all, what would be the difference!  In the meantime, Senator Mitch McConnell must be replaced by Senator Ted Cruz as Senate Minority Leader.  It’s time to clear out the dried up, old, dead wood and bring in some fresh new conservatives who are willing and able to take on the socialists!


          The following Republican Senators voted with Harry Reid and the Democrats in favor of Obama’s socialized medicine plan.  On a personal note, I must say that I am particularly disappointed in John Thune, John Barrasso and Ron Johnson!  Every committed conservative must call, write and tweet these individuals to let them know how they feel about their inexcusable vote for socialized medicine.

Lamar Alexander, TN

Kelly Ayotte, NH

John Barrasso, WY

Roy Blunt, MO

John Boozman, AR

Richard Burr, NC

Saxby Chambliss, GA

Jeff Chiesa, NJ

Daniel Coates, IN

Tom Coburn, OK

Thad Cochran, MS

Susan Collins, ME

Bob Corker, TN

John Cornyn, TX

Lindsey Graham, SC

John Hoeven, ND

Johnny Isakson, GA

Mike Johanns, NE

Mark Kirk, IL

Ron Johnson, WI

John McCain, AZ

Mitch McConnell, KY

Lisa Murkowski, AK

John Thune, SD

Roger Wicker, MS

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Unusable Nanny State Gas Container

Our Big Government Nanny State

Obama in Your Bedroom

          If we let them, big government bureaucrats will soon insinuate themselves into almost every aspect of our lives.  Just look at the personal questions about your sex life that you will soon be required to answer under Obamacare, information that will be recorded for posterity, unless you want to pay a fine!  Just one small but very irritating example of how these totalitarian socialists are already making life difficult with their silly regulations is the edict from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requiring portable fuel containers to have supposedly non-spill spouts.  These government designed spouts are almost impossible to use without spilling gas!

Unusable Nanny State Gas Container
Unusable Nanny State Gas Container

Defy the Pinkos

          I have spilled more fuel trying to add gas to my cars or lawnmower with these ridiculous ‘nanny state’ containers than I ever did with my old container, which, by the way, I have resurrected and plan to keep and continue using until it wears out!  So far, the pinkos are not coming to our doors to confiscate the old fuel containers, so, if you still have one, hang on to it!  By continuing to use it, you will do much more to help the environment than you would with the new, unusable, easy spill containers.  This is truly big government regulations run amok (see Word of the Week).

Outlawed, Easy-to-Use, Non-Spill Gas Container
Outlawed, Easy-to-Use, Non-Spill Gas Container

These Guys Have the Right Idea!


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A Dinosaur’s Lament

Co-ed School Showers?  Only in California!

          This week I finally came to terms with the fact that I am like an ancient, extinct reptile, grossly out of place in the world of today.  Out in the whacky state of California where the California Republican Party has been reduced to a pathetic oxymoron, Governor Jerry ‘Moonbeam’ Brown has signed into law an outrageous bill that lets students in K through 12 decide which restroom and locker room they want to use, regardless of their gender!  The theory is, that gender confused or, more aptly, gender manipulated kids are less likely to be bullied if they can use the facilities that match the gender they or their abusers have chosen rather than the ones that correspond to their God-given anatomy.  Well here’s a bulletin for all you well-meaning liberals in the former Golden State…we don’t get to choose our gender.  If you were born with normal female anatomy, then you should try to be the best girl or woman that you can be.  And if you were born with the normal anatomic parts of a male, you should try to be the best boy or man that you can be.  It is normal for children to test the limits as they explore themselves and the world around them on the journey through childhood and it is the responsibility of parents to steer them back when they veer too far from the path! 

Only Encourages Bullying

          It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the best way to stop getting bullied is to stop acting silly.  Kids have an innate understanding of what is and what isn’t normal behavior and it is not likely that they will be convinced any time soon that cross dressing is normal.  I wonder if the dramatic increase in bullying and teen suicides has anything to do with this acting out that has been encouraged by liberal perverts, the very ones who cry the loudest about bullying.  Let’s face it, there have always been bullies and there will always be bullies, so children must learn to deal with them in school in order to be prepared for the real world which is full of bullies.  Just ask anyone who’s had to deal with an SEIU union shop steward!  All that notwithstanding, we should still try to do everything we can to minimize bullying in the schools and this crazy new California Public School System policy only puts these vulnerable students at greater risk.

Intolerant Critics

          I fully expect the progressive hypocrites to be intolerant of my beliefs, so let me state it for the record now…I love all people, including homosexuals and the ‘so called’ gender confused.  I have nothing but compassion for that very small subset of my fellow human beings who are struggling under the burden of these ‘conditions’, real or imagined, and decry anyone who would be unkind to them in any way.  But I feel particularly badly for children who are being misled by the parents, teachers, doctors and legislators who encourage them to be ‘gender confused’ rather than giving them the guidance they so desperately need.  We all need to speak up and challenge those responsible for this nonsense and a good place to start would be with the author of this bizarre new California school bathroom bill, Democrat Tom Ammiano, a gay activist representing one of the San Francisco Assembly Districts and a member of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus. 

What Next?

          With the passage of California Assembly Bill 1266 into law, we have definitely reached another milestone on the way to moral anarchy.  The precepts of this bill, which are essentially designed to recruit transgender students, would have been inconceivable even ten years ago.  People would have laughed their heads off at the notion of boys using the girl’s bathroom or high school girls going into the boy’s locker room.  So, you need only use your imagination to see what the LGBT lobby has in store for us next.  Think group marriage, bestiality, sex change operations at a four year old’s request and normalization of pedophilia!  When it comes to moral standards, nothing will be sacred anymore.  Unless we stand up to these perverts and run them out of the schools, legislatures and medical offices where they plot their schemes against the standards of a stable society, we can only expect them to foster ever more ludicrous behavior in our children.  Something is rotten in the state of California!  In the meantime, high school locker room showers in California will be coed.       

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