Jay R. Thomas

Richard M. Nixon Centennial Celebration

Celebrating the 100th Birthday of Richard M. Nixon

Today, January 9, 2013 marks the centennial of President Richard M. Nixon’s birth.  Festivities to celebrate the life of this extraordinary man are planned all month at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, California.  In addition, special events commemorating the legacy of our 37th president will take place across the nation, including a gala birthday reunion taking place today at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., also home of the Nixon Center.

Presdient Richard M. Nixon
Presdient Richard M. Nixon

Richard Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California in 1913, served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and served two terms as Vice President under Dwight Eisenhower before being elected President of the United States in 1968.  He has increasingly come to be regarded as one of the two greatest presidents of the 20th century, along with Ronald Reagan.  Among the many accomplishments during his years in the White House, Nixon ended the Vietnam War, opened the door to China, set the groundwork for the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of communism in Eastern Europe, lowered the voting age to 18 and ended the military draft.  He died following a stroke in 1994 and is buried next to his wife, Pat, in a simple grave on the grounds of the Nixon Library.

President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon
President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon

Visitors to Vietnam today would be pleased to see that it is now a country of hard working entrepreneurs thriving under capitalism.  The former capital of South Vietnam, renamed Ho Chi Minh City after the war, is now called Saigon once again.  The Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi is essentially ignored and the Square is virtually empty.  Both Vietnam and China are friendly countries filled with people who like America and Americans.  This is truly a great legacy for President Richard M. Nixon.  Wise men still look to his series of best selling books as a blueprint for foreign policy forty years later.

The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda, California
The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda, California

One has to wonder how much better the world would be today if Richard Nixon had been able to complete his second term.  He was reelected in 1972 by one of the largest landslides in American history with over 60% of the popular vote and carrying every state but Massachusetts.  But his liberal Democrat detractors were hard at work undermining his successful presidency, never mind what the American people wanted and so wisely recognized as a great president.  Faced with both a House and Senate controlled by the Democrats throughout his presidency, it was a tribute to the skill of this great statesmen that he was able to accomplish anything at all.  In a time before balanced cable news, the liberal palaver of all three major networks went unopposed, enabling their news anchormen to become willing accomplices for what have come to be known as the ‘Nixon haters’.  Rather than put the country through any further turmoil, Nixon graciously resigned.  We were so fortunate to have had such a great man at the helm during the critical years from 1969 to 1974 and today we proudly and gratefully celebrate the life and legacy of President Richard M. Nixon.

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Atheists' Sign at Travis AFB, California

Air Force Cowers Before Atheists

Manger Scene Set Back

Last Christmas we promised to follow up on the battle between the US Air Force at Travis AFB in California and the atheists.  For many years visitors and residents of the base enjoyed the festive sight of a manger scene and a Hanukkah menorah (hanukkiyah) at the main intersection near the entrance to the base.  After a complaint from several attention seeking atheists last Christmas, Air Force brass invited them to display their own sign along with the other holiday greetings.  Last year the Nativity scene and menorah were still at the center of the holiday display right up front next to the sidewalk near the intersection.  But this year, for the first time, both the Nativity scene and the menorah were relegated to a position far removed from the curb, almost out of sight, lest they offend one of the atheists.

Annual Christmas Display at Entrance to Travis AFB
Annual Christmas Display at Entrance to Travis Air Force Base

Manger Scene and Menorah Center Stage at Travis AFB Christmas Display Last Year (2011)

Nativity Scene relegated to distant background.
Nativity Scene relegated to distant background.

Manger Scene and Menorah Barely Visible in Background This Year (2012)

War on Christmas

This is a disturbing trend in the War on Christmas which is part of the overall campaign by secular progressives to undermine Christianity.  Earlier this month the Washington Post (gleefully) reported that ‘Unbelief’ is now the third largest religion in the world.  A study released December 18, 2012 by The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that 84% of the world’s population believes in some form of religion.  Of those individuals, Christians formed the largest group at 32% of the world’s population, followed by Muslims with 23 %.  But the third largest group out of the 7 billion people in the world included those with no religious belief, coming in at 16% or 1.1 billion people.  That’s still looks like a small minority to me, so why are we allowing them to impose their will on the rest of us!

Declining Military Moral Values 

Anyone want to bet that next year the manger and menorah will be gone altogether at Travis AFB?  I would not be surprised to see the symbols of our Judeo-Christian heritage slowly eased out of the picture at the air force base.  It all fits with the overall decline in moral values that has predictably taken place in the military since Barack Obama lowered the moral standards for military personnel!  It should have been no surprise, with sodomy now being actively promoted in the barracks, when the top echelons of the military were rocked by a sex scandal…think Generals Petraeus and Allen!  To close on a positive note, however, I heard lots of folks greeting each other with ‘Merry Christmas’ this year, including clerks at most of the stores I visited.  Even the atheists’ sign at Travis AFB included a Christmas greeting.  The War on Christmas ain’t over yet!

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The Connecticut School Shootings

Twenty Innocent Little Lives 

Like the rest of the folks in our country, I am sitting here in shock, grief and disbelief as I contemplate the loss of twenty precious, innocent little lives in the Connecticut school shooting.  I can’t even begin to fathom what it must be like for the families of these children as they try to come to terms with such a horrific loss.  As I jot down these thoughts, it is less than 24 hours since this atrocity occurred…way too early to speculate.  Nevertheless, the reactions to the mass shooting of these children have already begun to highlight, once again, the vast difference between how progressives and traditional Americans approach a problem. 

Progs Look for Quick Fix 

It’s already clear that those (temporarily) in charge will take the easy way out and deploy their usual superficial approach, an approach that just happens to fit neatly with their long term plans to fundamentally change America.  Instead of seeking the root cause of this horrible incident they have already begun to lay the groundwork for placing the blame on ‘guns’.  Apparently Barack Obama has determined that this is another crisis that he will not let go to waste.  In his first public performance after the incident he tearfully stated that the country’s leaders must take “meaningful action” regardless of politics in response to the mass shooting.  Gosh, I wonder what he means by that.  If he succeeds, the progs will all pat themselves on the backs for a quick fix that only kicks the proverbial can farther down the road. 

They’ll Just Use Different Weapons 

The real problem will still be there and a new generation of twisted perpetrators will just use different weapons…like in China, where guns are strictly controlled.  Twenty-one people there, many of them children, were hacked to death and 90 injured with knives, hammers and cleavers in a spate of school attacks during a recent 18 month period.  Or perhaps like in Pakistan where explosives are the weapon of choice and many children have been blown to bits during school attacks.  Or maybe like in Uganda where fire is the weapon of choice and many children have been burned to death during school attacks.  What will the progs do then?  Instead, they should be trying to identify the contributing factors behind this incident, factors which now define the disturbing new society they have created.  Thoughtful Americans, on the other hand, have long been pointing out that some very negative changes in our society have led to many of the problems now plaguing us…and they are asking lots of questions. 

Someone Should Have Seen This Coming 

For the sake of these children who suffered such a brutal and unjust death, let us finally resolve to determine what it is about our current culture that enables such an act to occur.  In our country guns have been available for hunting and self defense since the Pilgrims first landed at Plymouth, not far from where this tragedy occurred, but it has only been in recent years that a few young men have used guns to commit mass murder.  What is different about our society today that has caused this change?  Is it the disintegration of the family unit as reflected in the 50% divorce rate?  Is it drug use?  Is it improper management of mentally disturbed individuals?  Is it poor parenting?  Is it too much screen time for children?  These are all questions which must be addressed.  Early information indicates that the perpetrator of this evil act was a teenager when his parents divorced, had a personality disorder, was remote, adopted the accoutrements of the gothic subculture and spent a lot of time playing video games.  You can draw your own conclusions, but it seems to me someone should have seen this coming. 

In God’s Loving Care   

All that notwithstanding, every missed opportunity to prevent this atrocity must be identified and corrective action must be taken when indicated, whether it involves mental health care providers, gun dealers, judges, legislators, lawyers or family members of the perpetrator.  Every one of us should be angry and outraged that such a thing could occur in our country, but we cannot begin to address this situation until we recognize that it is not the weapons, but the evil sociopaths behind them that are the problem.  From all indications thus far, the response of school officials, law enforcement and medical personnel to this incident has been outstanding and we salute these individuals for their professionalism.  More than anything else, however, our thoughts and prayers are with the families who lost their loved ones and for those twenty little children who are now in God’s loving care.

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Dexter Filkins Takes On the Navy SEALs

Dexter Filkins Takes On the Navy SEALs

Writing in the New York Times Book Review, October 21, 2012, Dexter Filkins weighs in on Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette’s book, No Easy Day. In his riveting autobiography, Bissonnette (using the pseudonym Mark Owen) traces his experiences as a SEAL culminating in the raid on Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan last year. In his closing paragraph Filkins diminishes his otherwise well written and thoughtful review with the following condemnation of Bissonnette’s account…“This is the carping of a warrior with little appreciation of what his country actually stands for—like that messy thing called democratic politics. After all, he’s just a killing machine”.

With just a little research one would learn that Bissonnette graduated from BIOLA (the Bible Institute of Los Angeles) where he studied sociology. Yes, a Navy SEAL studying sociology! I suppose that might sound like an oxymoron to some. Bissonnette likely also got a pretty good grounding in ‘what his country actually stands for’ while in college. And like all sailors, this highly decorated military hero underwent many hours of classroom training throughout his career, including the study of democratic principles, history, citizenship and core values.

All that notwithstanding, it would be difficult to imagine how anyone could make the extraordinary commitment necessary to become a Navy SEAL if he did not first have an overwhelming sense of appreciation for his country. That might even be the most important prerequisite, not to mention the most valuable asset for young sailors yearning to begin the long, arduous months of training required to become a SEAL. Somehow we expected a little more from a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist like Dexter Filkins who has done some heroic reporting from the battle zones himself. But then, perhaps such unpatriotic rhetoric is de rigueur for articles submitted for consideration by the New York Times!

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