Jay R. Thomas

A Nation of Sheep

It’s All Been a Hoax Folks

          It’s time for America to get back to work, back to play and back to school.  The COVID-19 Corona Virus Scam has devastated our economy and in doing so has ruined lives, livelihoods, educations, family relationships and the health of our citizens, both mental and physical.  President Trump has been right to demonstrate an abundance of caution when top health officials advise him to do so.  But, now that we know more about this virus, we can safely return to business as usual.  It doesn’t take a medical professional to interpret the statistics and facts.  Polio was more communicable and had more devastating long term effects than COVID-19, but we didn’t shut the country down during the 1950s.  The annual flu kills more people every year than COVID-19.  Mr. Obama didn’t shut down the economy during the devastating pandemics on his watch.

Liberals Are Loving It 

Did you happen to notice who is promoting the universal house arrest of law-abiding Americans.  That’s right!  The liberals!  They have everything to gain politically by ruining the American economy.  They couldn’t do it with the Global Warming scam, so they have latched on to the so-called Corona virus pandemic to instigate their anti-American goals.  They thought this would be a way to beat President Trump, since they knew they couldn’t do it at the ballot-box.  But they didn’t realize it would backfire on them and send the President’s ratings through the roof.  With few exceptions, the top medical professional societies in our country have become nothing more than liberal political action committees, more interested in promoting illegal immigration, transgenderism, the grievance culture and race baiting than any meaningful medical advances.  Isn’t it interesting that they are the ones pulling the bandwagon that the mask-wearing sheeple have been so willing to jump onto.

Making Lemonade

       Perhaps a few good things may result from all this nonsense.  First, it is almost certain to catapult Donald Trump to a landslide victory in November for his outstanding handling of this political hot potato.  Second, there will be a greater demand to secure our borders, finish the border wall, screen those entering our country and limit total immigration.  Third, parents will have seen the advantages of home schooling and hopefully keep their children out of the clutches of the socialist madrassas.  Finally, China will be made to pay for their role in this debacle and the best possible way would be to cancel the notes they hold on our national debt.    



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Historic Developments on the Korean Peninsula

President Trump Shakes it Up on the Korean Peninsula

          The world is waiting with hopeful anticipation as new developments unfold on the Korean Peninsula…well, all except for the younger generation of Americans who went through the public school madrasas and ‘graduated’ without ever learning the history of the Korean War.  Those of us who know world history realize the significance of what is happening and look forward to the possibility of an end to the war that began almost 70 years ago.  It is no coincidence that this is taking place on the watch of Donald Trump, the strongest and most qualified leader since Ronald Reagan.  For eight years during the Obama disaster the United States deferred the position of ‘leader of the free world’ to Benjamin Netanyahu, but President Trump has reclaimed that coveted title for the United States of America and the world has taken notice.  It will be interesting to see how the Nobel Committee  reacts.  After passing on Ronald Reagan and genuflecting to Mr. Obama, a snub of President Trump will be the final blow to any remaining credibility attributed to that once venerable institution.

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The More the Haters Hate, the More Americans Love Trump

Enough Already!         

          For 17 months the haters have been doing everything they can to thwart the will of the American people.  If one thing doesn’t work, they just move on to the next fantasy in their bag of dirty tricks.  Well, let me tell you, we are sick and damn tired of having our country held hostage by a group of folks who hate America.  There is some satisfaction in knowing how frustrating it must be for the America haters to see that the more they hate, the more popular President Trump becomes.  Their desperation is rooted in the reality that we have a president who truly loves American, while they hate America and everything it stands for.

Best President Ever Succeeds Worst President Ever!

          We had to endure eight years of a socialist president to get one of the best presidents ever.  It is a testament to the strength of our country and to the American people who were able to admit a horrible mistake.  President Trump is likely the most intelligent and shrewd president we have had since President Richard Nixon.  Highly regarded as one of the greatest presidents of the second half of the 20th Century, Nixon was subjected to the same unjustified hate by the liberal Congress at the time and the always liberal press.  Another prominent president of that era, President John Kennedy, would not recognize the Democrat Party of today.  President Kennedy’s party has moved far to the left, while the Republicans have maintained their same values and beliefs.  No doubt that is why so many Democrats have jumped on the Trump Train.  

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Florida School Shooting

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

          It is impossible to fully comprehend the horrible school shooting that occurred in Florida this past week and, of course, our hearts go out to the students, parents, faculty and community members who are still reeling from this unthinkable tragedy.  Most of all, we mourn the loss of so many wonderful human beings who had their entire lives ahead of them and had so much to live for.  This catastrophe raises so many questions on so many levels and I wanted to share with you a few that have come to my mind.

          First and foremost, how did this troubled young man have access to a weapon of any kind?  This could only happen through a serious failure of the FBI and local law enforcement.  Numerous warning signs were evident yet no action was taken.  I fully support Governor Rick Scott’s call for FBI Director Christopher Wray to resign.  The FBI must immediately cease their political attacks on conservatives and devote their full time to keeping American safe.

          I would be curious to know how many of the 3,000 students at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida attempted to reach out to the troubled young man before he perpetrated this atrocity.  There is no excuse for anyone to commit such barbary, but this young man apparently sent out many cries for help over a period of several years.  We don’t know anything about his biological parents, but we do know that he lost both of his adoptive parents.  How many students reached out to him after his adoptive mother died just last December.  Are the words ‘Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Acceptance’ which are plastered on every school marque across the nation just that…only words?

          How can banning guns make any difference in curbing the violence we see on school campuses, when the current gun laws are not enforced?  Liberal hypocrisy is clearly evident when they decry anti-drug laws because they encourage the smuggling of drugs across our porous southern border.  They don’t seem to understand that any ban on guns would be nullified by an increase in smuggling firearms from Mexico?

          As so many have said in the past week, we don’t have a gun problem, we have a people problem.  Until we turn around the God-less culture that liberals have fostered in our country for the last 50 years, these senseless acts will continue regardless of the gun laws.       

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