What Just Happened?
Cheerleaders and Pundits
This is the first time I’ve been able to sit down and collect my thoughts with a clear mind since learning the devastating results of the 2012 Presidential Election. I went to bed at 8:30 PM on election night because I couldn’t bear to watch any more. I was numb the entire day after the election and only now have been able to begin coming to terms with what just happened. While the conservative cheerleaders try to sugarcoat the results and the pundits try to assign blame, the rest of us are left on our own to try to understand how Obama could have been reelected. It is a bitter pill to swallow, but we must begin to digest the reality of what this means for the future of our country.
There’s No Turning Back Now
This election was likely our last chance to slow the leftward march into socialism upon which our country has embarked. Socialized medicine is now the law of the land and cannot be repealed. The Unaffordable Care Act will not only decimate the greatest health care system in the world, it will also hasten the demise of our once indomitable economy. In their endless compulsion to please everyone and pass out goodies, the Obama administration will continue to spend money out of control, further increasing the national debt and our dependence on foreign countries that do not share our interests.
The Second Term
What Obamacare was for this administration’s first term, ‘immigration reform’ will be for the second. Amnesty for illegal aliens will bring millions of new liberal Democrat voters to the polls. And for the first time, a majority of Puerto Ricans approved a ballot measure supporting statehood. Obama has said he would support them in their bid to become the 51st state. This would mean two more guaranteed Democrat senators from this left-leaning territory. The election also revealed a changing demographic in states like Virginia and Florida, where there are now more government-dependent takers than self-reliant providers. I think you can begin to see, that taken together, these developments pose a formidable hurdle that conservatives will probably never be able to surmount.
What to Do?
First, we must stick together and press on. Republicans, conservatives, Libertarians, Independents, Tea Party Patriots, evangelicals and all Americans who love what this great country has been and still can be must understand that we have more in common than we have differences. While we should never compromise our principles we need to work together and provide a united front in every election from now on. We must seek, nurture and support exceptional candidates who can effectively articulate our beliefs without alienating moderates. Beginning today, we must do a better job of bringing our message to voting citizens who have not traditionally stood with us, simply because they are not aware that their beliefs and principles are more in line with ours than with the liberal Democrats.
For Past and Future Americans
If we are to have any chance of winning another national election we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start all over again…starting today! While we may only be able to slow down this out of control train, it’s still worth the effort. For inspiration we need look no further than all the great Americans who came before us. They forged this great nation through sweat, toil and great personal sacrifice and we can do no less to keep it. For confirmation we need look no further than the hopeful faces of our children and grandchildren who deserve a better future than the one they face under the current plan. Alright then…let’s roll!
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