Jay R. Thomas

Chicago Teachers Strike

It’s All About the Teachers, Not the Kids

The Chicago Teachers Union says it’s ‘striking for better schools’ as it puts almost 400,000 students out of the classroom and sends parents scrambling to find somewhere safe for their children to stay while they work.  But what are the teachers really striking for?  More goodies!  What else!  After all, that’s the only purpose left for unions in the 21st century.  And how do they get those goodies?  By sending union dues to the Democrats and promising to vote for them.  Even though Obama’s own City of Chicago has a staggering budget deficit, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, not wanting to bite the hand that feeds him, offered to settle with the teachers by giving them a 16% pay raise.  But, no, that wasn’t nearly enough for the teachers who are already the second highest paid in the nation with an average median salary greater than $76,000.  Instead, they are insisting on a 30% pay raise, no change in benefits, no teacher evaluations based on student test scores and no lengthening of school days to match most other schools in the nation.  Gosh, with a graduation rate of only 55% maybe the city should take advantage of this opportunity to just let them all go.

Union Members Forfeit Status as Professionals

There once was a time when teachers were considered professionals like ‘doctors and lawyers and such’ or nurses and engineers, all highly trained individuals who provide a specialized service and are required to put the interests of the client above their own interests.  It goes without saying, then, that union members of any kind cannot be considered professionals, because in order to live up to the high standards implied by the term ‘professional’ a nurse could not walk out on her patients and a teacher could not walk out on his students.  All this notwithstanding, the Chicago Teachers Strike could not have come at a better time for the Republicans.  Just two months before the most important election of our lifetime, the union bosses have put their greed and thuggery back in the national spotlight, reminding voters of the sickening, symbiotic relationship between the Democrat Party and the unions.

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GOP’s Perfect Blend of Unity and Diversity

Bringing the Country Together 

          The 2012 Republican Convention has masterfully highlighted the inclusiveness of the Grand Old Party, giving voters a look at what it will be like when we replace Obama’s dirge of divisiveness with Romney’s vision of unity.  Every speaker seems to have reminded us that all Americans have more in common than they have differences and that everyone…Republican, Democrat and Independent…is simply seeking a leader who can turn the stagnant economy around.  The addresses by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and our next First Lady Ann Romney were electrifying, to be sure, and they certainly had the desired effect of rallying the troops to take our country back.  But there have been some other folks at the podium, perhaps less well known and newer to the scene, but who nonetheless have dazzled the crowds with a combination of charm and substance and messages of hope that have resonated throughout the country. 

We Love Mia Love 

          Mia Love, the attractive, intelligent and articulate Mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah brought the delegates to their feet with her rousing speech and inspiring story.  She is a classic example of the increasing number of African Americans who are breaking away from the Democrat Party and finding that Republican Party values and principles are much more in tune with their own.  Love is running for congress in Utah’s 4th congressional district and we look forward to seeing more of her in the House of Representatives.  And what about Sher Valenzuela!  The candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Delaware along with her husband Eli built a small business in spite of the government, making her the perfect foil for Obama and his ‘you didn’t build that’ mantra.  These and other speakers at the convention have successfully challenged the oppressive negativity of the current administration and have made Obama and other lefties, with their claims that Republicans are racist and anti-women, look pretty silly.  I for one am betting on the Republican Party to bring America back together.

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The Transgender Dilemma

The Transgender Lobby 

In May of 2013 the American Psychiatric Association will publish the fifth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a universally recognized classification of mental disorders first published in 1952.  In anticipation of this first major revision since 1994, transgender advocates have been lobbying psychiatrists for several years in an attempt to persuade them to abandon thousands of years of logical thought by theologians and philosophers as well as several hundred years of scientific reasoning by some of the most erudite psychology scholars throughout the world.  In short, they want the label of mental disorder dropped from men who like to dress in women’s clothing, women who want a new appendage and four year old boys who tell their parents they want their appendage removed, to name just a few of the tragic scenarios embraced by the transgender lobby.  

The Transgender Dilemma 

If the American Psychiatric Association caves to political pressure and gives its stamp of approval to these demands, it will not be without exacting a toll on the gender disturbed community.  In so doing, they will have inadvertently denied them the health insurance coverage to pay for their mutilating surgeries.  If it’s not abnormal then it doesn’t need fixing, so to speak.  In addition, removing the label of mental disorder from these conditions would also remove a tool from the lawyer’s bag of tricks.  Without a diagnosis, attorneys would be hard pressed to prove employment discrimination or disability, for example.   Regardless of where we stand on this issue, we can all agree that the gender disturbed, as fellow human beings, deserve our love and concern and should be treated with fairness and understanding.  Whether or not the American Psychiatric Association goes the route of enabling the ever more bizarre behavior of this unfortunate group, common sense tells us that those with gender disturbances should be offered care by a psychiatrist, not a surgeon!

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Socialism Doesn’t Work!

Democrat Talking Points

Socialism is a broad term describing an economic system where the means of producing and distributing goods is owned supposedly by ‘the people’, but more often by a centralized government run by a small group of elite individuals (think Haavaad professors) who plan and control the economy.  The goal of socialism is to eliminate competition and private property and to redistribute wealth.  While this sounds an awful lot like the Democrat Party talking points, this brief explanation actually describes the main theories of socialism.  In Marxist-Leninist theory socialism is considered to be a transitional state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism, which includes political control as wells as economic control of its subjects.

Capitalism Does the Most Good for the Most People

Socialism doesn’t work and never has.  Capitalism does work and has proven to be the economic system that does the most good for the most people.  We are now witnessing the tragic and frightening consequences of Europe’s dalliance with socialism and would be well advised to see this as a warning before it’s too late.  The general election of November 2012 will be the most important election of our lifetime, because it will be our last opportunity to turn away from the socialist path down which the current administration has led us.  The following video gives a succinct (see WOW) account of socialism which is illustrated through an exchange between the best president and the worst president in recent U. S. history.  Even Debbie Wasserman-Schultz might be able to understand this!


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