Jay R. Thomas

Chief Justice John Roberts: Earl Warren Reincarnated!

A Traitorous Defection 

The Supreme Court of the United States announced today that it has upheld Obamacare in its entirety by a vote of 5 to 4.  The shocking defection of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to the liberal side of the bench provided the necessary vote that tipped the balance in favor of socialized medicine.  Unless November brings a major change in Washington, Roberts, who was appointed to the court as a conservative by President George Bush in 2005, may be responsible for changing the course of U.S. history…a dubious distinction, indeed! 

The New ‘Earl Warren’  

The defection of Roberts is reminiscent of the liberal transformation of another Supreme Court Chief Justice, former California Governor Earl Warren, who was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower in 1953.  Instead of upholding the constitutional principles that made our country great, Warren ended up playing a major role in leading us down the path to liberalism during his nearly 16 year tenure as Chief Justice. Warren is now considered a pariah among constitutional conservatives. 

Is He Competent to Serve? 

It is difficult to understand how Roberts could not think his way into joining the three conservative justices and even swing voter Anthony Kennedy in upholding the Constitution of the United States.  Instead, he followed the lead of radical liberals Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayer and Elena Kagan!  It is interesting to note that Roberts has suffered at least two seizures (a neurologic condition affecting the brain) during his lifetime and sustained injuries from a fall after one.  While we don’t necessarily agree, some are now suggesting that this medical history along with his unexplainable vote on Obamacare call into question his competence to serve as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.  It would not be surprising if we soon hear calls to impeach Chief Justice John Roberts.

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Union Bosses are Losers in Wisconsin

Squashed Like Bugs

Big union bosses suffered an ignominious defeat Tuesday in their ill-conceived attempt to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.  Squashed like the pesty bugs that they are, labor fat-cats were spurned at the polls even by their own dues paying members.  Taken as a sign that this victory for fiscal conservatives is part of a national trend, presaging (see WOW) a major change in November, Wall Street responded on Wednesday with a gain of 286 points, its best day yet of 2012.  And no, it wasn’t because of the proposed rescue of Spain’s banks by the European Central Bank.

A National Trend

Election results in other states provide ample evidence that anti-union sentiment is not limited to one region of the country.  In San Jose, California, for example, almost 70% of the electorate voted for pension reform which will affect pension payouts for city workers as well as requiring new negotiating parameters with public employee unions.  The results of Tuesday’s election are all the more impressive when you consider that the State of Wisconsin and the City of San Jose, California are not exactly bastions of conservative thinking.  Considering that unions poured millions of dollars into Wisconsin to defeat Governor Walker it appears that organized labor has been hit between the eyes with a two-by-four!

Unions are Obsolete

Labor unions are now seen as obsolete dinosaurs left over from the early part of the last century.  No one would deny that in the beginning they served the purpose of defining and securing healthy, safe and fair working conditions for American workers.  For many years now those conditions have been guaranteed by state and federal labor laws, leaving the unions with no real purpose other than to serve as Democrat political action committees and to otherwise stir up trouble (called rabble rousing) in order to continue collecting dues.  As a consequence, less than 7% of private sector workers in the United States now belong to unions and many government employees only join because they are required to.  Governor Scott Walker’s outstanding leadership and gentlemanly approach, along with his stunning success in turning around the Wisconsin economy have provided a dramatic contrast to the strident, greedy and desperate labor union bosses.  We are delighted to see that the people of Wisconsin have abandoned the dinosaurs and joined Governor Walker’s team.

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Young Voters Abandoning Obama

Actually, Obama Abandoned Them!

Now that ‘hope and change’ have morphed into ‘hopelessness and change we didn’t bargain for’, young voters are beginning to abandon Barack Obama and his rigid, liberal ideology. Somehow, getting out into the real world seems to have awakened the Millennials (twenty somethings) and the Gen Xers (thirty somethings) to the reality that it is Obama who actually abandoned them. With the economy looming as the main issue in the upcoming general election, liberal theory is giving way to practicality among younger Americans who now see their hopes for a bright future fast fading. The legions of fired up young voters who catapulted an untested ‘community organizer’ into the White House in 2008 are largely gone, greatly disappointed by the bleak future that he has handed them.

What Happened to the Land of Opportunity?

Never mind your dream job! How about any job! Whether entering the ‘workforce’ directly from high school or after college, young Americans are having a difficult time finding meaningful work that would make them independent and self-sufficient. In fact, more and more of them are moving back in with Mom and Dad rather than risking the alternative…homelessness. The national debt is now at $15.6 trillion and each citizen’s share of that debt is hovering around $50,000. To their credit, those in their 20s and 30s are beginning to understand that they are the ones who will bear the brunt of the ever higher tax burden required to pay the interest on that debt to China. This, of course, will only lead to more Obama-style economic stagnation and ever more limited opportunities for young Americans to move up in a career of their choice. This gloomy forecast has many of them lowering their expectations for the future, while raising their interest in an alternative to Obama’s liberal agenda.

Time and Money Wasted in College

Many young Americans are holding outrageously expensive diplomas from dumbed-down universities…diplomas which are now nearly worthless in Obama’s recession. With no income to pay off their heavy student loan debts, they are placing the blame for this moribund economy squarely in Obama’s lap, right where it belongs. The President’s frequent visits to college campuses over the last few months in an attempt to recapture the student adulation he once enjoyed is testament to his concern over this major shift of loyalties. Young voters increasingly see Obama as an elitist professor of law who never left his ivory tower to tend to the business of the nation. They know that the Obamas are multimillionaire lawyers who can make $400 an hour and they are beginning to see them as part of the 1% Wall Street profligates, despite their protestations to the contrary.

Golf Carts Aren’t as Cool as Cars

At one time home ownership was the goal of every young adult in America. For many it is now only a distant dream. Even owning your own car has become a near impossibility for some. Obama’s stubborn refusal to unleash the energy potential of the United States, all for the sake of ‘environmental justice’, has almost ensured that gas prices will continue to climb, an outcome that his Secretary of Energy says he actually wants. The environmental gobbledygook that has been stuffed down the throats of public school students over the years is sounding a lot less noble now that those same students are young adults faced with the prospect of driving around in a golf cart instead of a car. Faced with a jobless future, higher taxes to pay interest on the national debt and the consequences of environmental extremism, it is these same young Americans who will have to shoulder an unfair proportion of the burden that America’s dalliance with socialism has cast upon the country. As they prepare to participate in the most important presidential election of a lifetime, young voters have had to make the transition from idealistic liberal to practical conservative much earlier in life than other generations. We salute them for rising to the occasion.

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May Day Protests Fall Flat

May Day Protests Fall Flat

Despite encouragement from Barack Obama and Nancy ‘Lugosi’ the grandiose protests that were planned around the country for May 1 fell flat and fizzled out like so much flatulence.  And it did not go unnoticed that the day selected for the protests was May Day, the traditional day of celebration for the few remaining communist regimes around the world.  It is also not surprising that the small numbers who did show up were mainly union bullies, Occupy Wall Street bums, anarchists, socialists and illegal-immigration advocates.  With the country in economic upheaval, there just isn’t much support for these causes anymore.  Let’s just be thankful that this odd collection of losers is actually the 1% rather then the 99%!

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