Because He’s Stupid or On Purpose?
Why is Obama Ruining the American Economy?
We’d like to hear from you. Do you think Obama is ruining the American economy because he’s stupid, inexperienced and doesn’t know any better or because he purposely wants to diminish our role in the world and convert America from a capitalist economy to a socialist state? Much has been said to support either assertion and there are good arguments on both sides. Let us know what you think by voting in our poll, located at the top of our right sidebar.
The Case for Stupidity
It has been well established that Barack Obama came to the presidency with very little experience. Other than being a community organizer, a euphemism (see WOW) for rabble-rouser, he never actually held down a real job and certainly never ran anything even close to a lemonade stand. On the other hand, he is very good at making regulations for lemonade stands! Calling into question his elitist educational credentials, some have suggested that Mr. Obama may be the first Affirmative Action President, having been advanced along the way for reasons other than his qualifications.
Others point to Obama’s history of snorting cocaine, an act which in itself indicates stupidity, not to mention that it is a dangerous habit which can have lasting effects on the brain. Oh, and did I mention that it’s against the law? Another argument supporting the case for stupidity is that every intervention Obama has made to manipulate the economy has made it worse and he has repeated or attempted to repeat what failed before. An inability to learn from your mistakes is a hallmark of low intelligence. For these and other reasons most Americans now believe that Obama’s handling of the economy has indeed been stupid and many conclude that it is because he is stupid.
The Case for Purposefully Ruining our Economy
If Obama isn’t stupid, then the only conclusion one can draw is that he is purposely trying to diminish the United States on the world stage and reshape it after his own socialist ideology. And there can be no question that Obama is a committed socialist and a radical left wing ideologue! As has often been pointed out, it does not seem likely that someone who graduated from Harvard Law School, as Mr. Obama did, could be stupid. After all, Harvard is the most elite and most expensive university in the world, having graduated such notables as Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski; climate scientist, Al Gore; communist, W.E.B. Du Bois; and former President of Enron, Jeffrey K. Skilling!
It seems reasonable to think that with all the elitist, Ivy League professors in his administration, one of them would know something about how capitalism works. Between them they should have figured out that reckless spending, massive debt and higher taxes mean fewer jobs! Could it be they really do know what they’re doing and actually want the country to fail? Others point out that Mr. Obama’s silver tongue and articulate manner of speaking are additional signs of high intelligence. Finally, for someone with Mr. Obama’s radical background to have convinced a majority of Americans to vote for him is an indication of a very clever man.
What Do You Think?
Vote in our poll and feel free to speak your mind in the comments section below. Whether the ‘president’ is ruining the U.S. economy because he is stupid or on purpose (and it has to be either one or the other), the end result is the same. We are on the brink of disaster and we must all work together to make him a one term president! How disappointing for those of us who rejoice at the idea of having an African-American president, that the first one would be such a dud. Check back later and I will tell you whether I think Mr. Obama is ruining the U.S. economy because he is stupid or purposefully.
Because He’s Stupid or On Purpose? Read More »