Jay R. Thomas

Because He’s Stupid or On Purpose?

Why is Obama Ruining the American Economy? 

          We’d like to hear from you.  Do you think Obama is ruining the American economy because he’s stupid, inexperienced and doesn’t know any better or because he purposely wants to diminish our role in the world and convert America from a capitalist economy to a socialist state?  Much has been said to support either assertion and there are good arguments on both sides.  Let us know what you think by voting in our poll, located at the top of our right sidebar. 

The Case for Stupidity 

          It has been well established that Barack Obama came to the presidency with very little experience.  Other than being a community organizer, a euphemism (see WOW) for rabble-rouser, he never actually held down a real job and certainly never ran anything even close to a lemonade stand.  On the other hand, he is very good at making regulations for lemonade stands!  Calling into question his elitist educational credentials, some have suggested that Mr. Obama may be the first Affirmative Action President, having been advanced along the way for reasons other than his qualifications. 

          Others point to Obama’s history of snorting cocaine, an act which in itself indicates stupidity, not to mention that it is a dangerous habit which can have lasting effects on the brain.  Oh, and did I mention that it’s against the law?  Another argument supporting the case for stupidity is that every intervention Obama has made to manipulate the economy has made it worse and he has repeated or attempted to repeat what failed before.  An inability to learn from your mistakes is a hallmark of low intelligence.  For these and other reasons most Americans now believe that Obama’s handling of the economy has indeed been stupid and many conclude that it is because he is stupid. 

The Case for Purposefully Ruining our Economy 

          If Obama isn’t stupid, then the only conclusion one can draw is that he is purposely trying to diminish the United States on the world stage and reshape it after his own socialist ideology.  And there can be no question that Obama is a committed socialist and a radical left wing ideologue!  As has often been pointed out, it does not seem likely that someone who graduated from Harvard Law School, as Mr. Obama did, could be stupid.  After all, Harvard is the most elite and most expensive university in the world, having graduated such notables as Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski; climate scientist, Al Gore; communist, W.E.B. Du Bois; and former President of Enron, Jeffrey K. Skilling! 

          It seems reasonable to think that with all the elitist, Ivy League professors in his administration, one of them would know something about how capitalism works.  Between them they should have figured out that reckless spending, massive debt and higher taxes mean fewer jobs!  Could it be they really do know what they’re doing and actually want the country to fail?  Others point out that Mr. Obama’s silver tongue and articulate manner of speaking are additional signs of high intelligence.  Finally, for someone with Mr. Obama’s radical background to have convinced a majority of Americans to vote for him is an indication of a very clever man. 

What Do You Think? 

          Vote in our poll and feel free to speak your mind in the comments section below.  Whether the ‘president’ is ruining the U.S. economy because he is stupid or on purpose (and it has to be either one or the other), the end result is the same.  We are on the brink of disaster and we must all work together to make him a one term president!  How disappointing for those of us who rejoice at the idea of having an African-American president, that the first one would be such a dud.  Check back later and I will tell you whether I think Mr. Obama is ruining the U.S. economy because he is stupid or purposefully.          

Because He’s Stupid or On Purpose? Read More »

The Hallowed Ivy Covered Walls

The Obamunists Just Don’t Get It!

The Obamunitsts Just Don’t Get It!

          For all the Ivy League educated elitists in their ranks, the Obamunists simply have not been able to grasp the inverse relationship between taxes and jobs.  This simple equation was definitively confirmed by President Ronald Reagan and was subscribed to even by Democrats such as President John Kennedy and Impeached President Bill Clinton.  One would think that after more than two years of failed policies and an economy worsening by the day under his (lack of) leadership that Mr. Obama would finally give up his dream for a Socialist States of America.  But, NO!  He’s still clinging to his radical left wing ideology like the proverbial ivy on those hallowed brick walls.

The Hallowed Ivy Covered Walls
The Hallowed Ivy Covered Walls

Where Are They Now

No wonder all but one member of Mr. Obama’s original team of erudite (see WOW) economic advisors have bailed out like rats from a sinking ship.  The American people were way out ahead of the professors in Washington on this one.  Of the original group that voted for Mr. Obama in 2008, a substantial number seem to now realize they were duped into believing that this slick-tongued young man could really lead our great country.  Hats off to all of you for admitting your mistake and returning to the ranks of the Independents, Republicans and Tea Party Patriots!

What about the rest of his original supporters? Well, about 25 percent of them comprise that ever present bedrock of the Democrat Party…those rigid liberal ideologues bent on changing our country forever in a way that would decrease the quality of life for everyone and diminish our stature in the world.  At least they have a sincere belief and know why they believe.  But shame on the remainder of Obama’s original supporters who have no clue as to what’s going on and still support him for the same reason they voted for him in the first place…because ‘he seems like such a nice guy’.

Back to the Equation…Here’s How it Works, Mr. President

I know you are a regular reader of my postings, Mr. Obama, because I can see that a visitor has logged on to my blog at least once each day from such places as Martha’s Vineyard, the Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia, Woody’s  L Street Tavern in Boston, and the Four Seasons Restaurant in New York City.  So I am going to take this opportunity to spell it out for you in terms that even a Ha’va’d lawyer can understand.  By the way, just curious, but was that you logging in from Pinky’s D.C. Lounge after your meeting with the Republicans the other day?  Anyway, here goes.

A very simple equation:

-Successful businesses, large and small, run by hard working people, make profits.  That’s what they’re supposed to do.

-Many of them want to invest some of that profit in expanding or starting a new business.

-This requires hiring additional people (creating jobs) to support those businesses.

-More people working means more people paying their legitimate share of income taxes.

-Punishing success by increasing taxes on those with more money (or even the threat thereof) causes these potential entrepreneurs to hold on to their money rather than to reinvest it and hire more workers.

-Ergo: when taxes go up, the number of jobs goes down.

Is that simple enough for you, Sir?  How ‘bout this:

Taxes↑ = Jobs↓

          Can you not see that you will bring in more tax revenue from all the new jobs created when you enable entrepreneurs to expand or start new businesses…simply by leaving them alone?  Just cut their taxes and lift the burden of regulations on businesses and you will be amazed at how the unemployment rate will go down and the economy will grow.

Sadly, most of us are sitting on our money until we elect a new president in 2012 because we have little hope of any change while the Obamunists are in charge.  Let us hope the Obama Depression doesn’t get even worse in the interim.


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Trying to Say Something Nice About Obama

 Trying to Say Something Nice About Obama        

          Unlike the far left, liberal radicals who couldn’t bring themselves to say anything nice about President Bush, most conservatives are inclined to give credit where credit is due and many actually try to find something nice to say about President Obama.  After all, he is our president and conservatives are perhaps the most ebullient (see WOW) of all Americans about having our first African-American president.  Unfortunately, there is little else to be thankful for about his presidency.  But ‘trying to catch him being good’ has not been easy.  So far I have amassed an impressive list of three nice things that I can say about him. 

          First, he seems like a nice guy.  And isn’t that the reason why most of those who voted for him did so?  Without really looking into his radical past and liberal voting record or even recognizing his total lack of experience, many Americans voted for him simply because he seemed like a nice guy.  He really does seem like the sort of person one would enjoy chatting about sports over a glass of beer with.  His winning smile, along with his engaging way, makes it difficult for many to resist him.  On top of that, to actually be able to speak without making his listeners nervous…Wow!  Although ‘Obama fatigue’ began to set in some time ago and the distinctive whine of the president’s voice now causes many to wince, there is no question that President Obama seems like a nice guy. 

          Second, he seems like a good family man.  President Obama has a lovely family and he is obviously devoted to his wife and two daughters.  There has never been a hint of scandal about Mr. Obama’s personal life, as has been seen so often with other prominent Democrats.  Mr. Obama states that he is a Christian and we have no reason not to believe him.  As such, he has stated that he believes in family values, including his belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman, never mind the fact that he has slowly, but steadily been advancing the radical gay agenda.  In spite of that, however, President Obama seems to be a morally decent man and that is definitely something nice to say about a Democrat president. 

          Finally, President Obama has maintained many of the prudent policy decisions made by President Bush, even though he campaigned against them.  Although he has not acknowledged it yet, it must have been difficult for him to adjust his plan, if not his thinking.  In so doing, he allowed the long process of eliminating the 9/11 mastermind to play itself out and in the end enabled our Navy SEALS to bring an evil terrorist to justice…and it just happened to come to a climax during his watch.  He could have screwed it up, but he didn’t.  For that, the entire world should be grateful.

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Is Obama’s Recession Becoming Obama’s Depression?

If Liberal Policies Didn’t Work in the Past… 

          For nearly two and a half years the reckless, wrongheaded liberal policies of Barack Obama and his cast of socialist characters have wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy.  What should have been a short-lived economic correction in 2008 has become a prolonged recession since Mr. Obama took ownership in January 2009.  Now, there are signs that the economy is not only mired in a Carteresque stagnation, but is slowly sinking into a full-fledged Rooseveltian depression.  Mr. Obama, you own this problem now, because you created it! 

          While there is a definite glimmer of hope since the conservatives regained control of the House of Representatives, a real resolution to this crisis will almost certainly have to wait until a new president is elected in 2012.  Unfortunately, with the economy in such a precarious (see WOW) position, it wouldn’t take much to tip us over right now.  A series of natural disasters could do it! 

Signs of the Times  

          This week it was reported that more than one million individuals applied for employment at MacDonald’s franchises!  It is a testament to the times that so many people would be willing to work at an entry level position.  Nevertheless, we salute those individuals for seeking work rather than sitting at home and collecting unemployment insurance which pays almost as much and goes on almost indefinitely.  Unfortunately there were only 62,000 positions available at MacDonald’s.  While it should not be surprising, another sign that does not bode well for the economy is that jobless claims rose by 25,000 the week ending April 23, 2011. 

          Another recent sign that the economy is in trouble is the rising cost of fuel, which causes the price of almost everything else to go up, which, in turn, means that fewer people will be spending money.  Anyone notice the increase in your grocery bill lately!  Perhaps the real wake-up call came when Standard and Poor’s, a ‘leader of financial-market intelligence’, questioned the prospects of the U.S. making serious progress in dealing with its mounting debt.  On April 21, 2011, the credit rating agency lowered its outlook for America’s long term credit from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’.  This not only sent chills down the spines of most Americans (and up the leg of Chris Matthews) but made ripples throughout the world, indicating a possible erosion of the status of the U.S. as the world’s most powerful economy and the dollar’s role as the dominant global currency. 

What He Has Done 

          I’m willing to bet that most high school students in the U.S. could have predicted that almost everything Mr. Obama has done would lead to a worsening of the economy.  His reckless spending has increased our national debt to more than 13 trillion dollars, much of which is owed to countries competing with the United States.  This debt means that every person in our country owes more than $43,000 as their share and insures that future generations, for the first time, will not have the same economic security as those in the past. And what about forcing a new, poorly thought out entitlement program on an unwilling citizenry in this time of crisis?  That may have been the final straw.  Not only do we not want socialized medicine, but it would surely bankrupt us. 

          Obama’s relentless attack on the middle and upper classes with his constant threats of tax increases has caused these job providers to hunker down while waiting for a smarter, more experienced president to be elected.  And following a long liberal Democrat tradition, Mr. Obama’s refusal to take advantage of the rich oil resources owned by our country has insured the steady rise in fuel prices noted above.  In this case, however, it may actually have been intentional on his part…his way of getting all of us to return to the horse and buggy era.  And you thought the liberals were forward thinking!  Be forewarned, however, that the enviro-nazis plan to tax you for the flatulence expelled by those horses when the time comes! 

Let’s Roll 

          While ‘Rome burns’ Mr. Obama is running around the country raising a billion dollar war chest for his reelection campaign.  Perhaps that money would be better spent by paying down the enormous debt you have incurred for our country, Mr. ‘President’!  If you, our readers, have had a difficult time finding meaningful work, if you’re feeling the effects of the dismal housing market, if you feel the pinch at the pump or the grocery store and if you worry about the future for your children and grandchildren, then you’re not alone.  It is the responsibility of every citizen who loves the United States of America to stay on top of the issues and to help defeat Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election.  Many of you out there are already hard at work, helping to make this happen and you are, indeed, a big part of What Makes US Great!

Is Obama’s Recession Becoming Obama’s Depression? Read More »