Impressions of the Pussy March
My Thoughts After Attending the Pussy March
Today I thought I’d go down to see what was happening at the 2018 Women’s March at our local city park. There were easily several thousand folks there representing the hard core left of a very large liberal county. I was happy to see a few American flags there and I stood proudly with my hand over my heart as we all sang the Star Spangled Banner together. But that was where our similarities ended. As you might expect, the attendees were mostly women and many of them were holding signs almost all of which parroted messages from the liberal press talking points…nothing about actual issues, but just about their personal hate for our president. In fact, I have never seen so much hate in one place in my life. There were no signs protesting the move of our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem or our withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, no condemnation of our bombing of Syria, no complaints about the new tax cuts or anything about health care or immigration reform. OK, maybe one pro-abortion sign and one against ‘The Wall’. Other than that, it was all about hating President Trump…and this, from the same women who worship Bill Clinton. It was pretty pathetic to see a group of single, frustrated old maids and divorcees who are so envious of our First Lady, Melania!
I was able to engage a few folks in conversation and was surprised to find how little they actually knew about the issues. When I mentioned some of the major accomplishments that President Trump has had in his first year some of them conceded that there were some positive changes and stated that perhaps they didn’t disagree with me as much as they thought. One young lady was wearing a sweatshirt with a picture of Angela Davis on it. I asked her, ‘Is that Angela Davis?’ She looked at her mother as if to say, ‘Is it?’ When her mother replied ‘Yes’, I said ‘Isn’t Angela Davis a communist?’ The young lady again looked at her mother for the answer, which of course was ‘Yes’. This mother/daughter pair are typical of the far left who know little about the issues and less about why they are ‘resisting’ other than that they hate President Trump. If you ask me, I think they hate him because he stands for everything that is good about America and because he has been so successful at Making America Great Again!
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