Jay R. Thomas

The Birth Certificate Game

I’ve Got Mine!         

          Most of us know right where our birth certificates are.  I just pulled mine out of the little metal box where I have kept it ever since my parents entrusted it to me when I went away to college.  Over the years I have had to produce it for one thing or another, like applying for a passport or enlisting in the military.  In any event, I’ve always known that it was an important document and made sure I kept it in a safe place where I would always know right where it was.  If I didn’t have a birth certificate or couldn’t find it, I know that I could apply through the proper channels and get a replacement, like my uncle had to do.  It would be a simple matter of providing alternative documentation and witnesses…no big deal. 

What It Tells About Me 

          My birth certificate has my full name, the county and city of my birth, the hospital where I was born, and my parents’ home address at the time.  It also has the full names of both of my parents, in addition to their race, age, length of residence in the state and their birthplace, occupation and employer.  It is signed by the doctor who delivered me.  That’s actually a lot of information and it’s conceivable that some individuals might not want everyone to have access to this much personal data relating to their entry into the world. 

Eighth Grade Civics 

          The radical turn that our country has taken since the 2008 presidential election has given many thoughtful citizens pause to reflect on just what the requirements are for someone seeking to become president.  Birth certificates have been a significant part of that discussion.  Anyone with even a basic understanding of civics knows that the Constitution of the United States requires that candidates running for president must have been born in the United States.  Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution states that to be eligible to serve as President of the United States one must have attained the age of thirty-five and have been a resident within the United States for fourteen years.  In addition, they must be a natural born citizen, which means they must have been born within the jurisdiction of the United States, including its territories, or born of citizens temporarily residing abroad. 

Obama’s No Exception 

          Barack Obama isn’t being singled out for extra scrutiny (see WOW) about his birth certificate (or lack thereof), as his supporters suggest.  Throughout the years, various candidates have been questioned about their eligibility to run for president based on this requirement and it seems reasonable to expect that anyone aspiring to this high office should be willing to prove they were born in the U.S.A.  Back in 1964 the liberals tried to say that Barry Goldwater was ineligible because he was born in Arizona in 1909 while it was still a territory of the United States and not yet a state.  More recently, John McCain was questioned because he was born on a military installation in the Panama Canal Zone where his father was stationed as a Navy officer.  It seems ‘altogether fitting and proper’, as Abe Lincoln might say, to expect Barack Obama to produce his birth certificate and submit it to the same scrutiny as others have had to do. 

Only Three Possible Explanations 

          There are really only three scenarios that would explain Mr. Obama’s failure to produce his birth certificate for scrutiny as other presidents have: 

Scenario 1:  Legitimate Birth Certificate with no Surprises

He has a legitimate birth certificate in his possession (probably in a little metal box like mine), documenting his birth in Hawaii and with no additional surprises in the accompanying documentation.  He has been withholding his birth certificate from public scrutiny in order to stir up conservatives and his ultimate plan is to make fools of them when he finally does reveal it. 

Scenario 2:  Legitimate Birth Certificate with Surprises

He has a legitimate birth certificate in his possession, documenting his birth in Hawaii, but it has potentially embarrassing or controversial information in the accompanying documentation that he does not want the public to see. 

Scenario 3:  No Birth Certificate / Not Born in the U.S.A.

He has no birth certificate because he was not born in the United States of America and he is not eligible to be president according to the Constitution. 

Enough Already! 

          The best case scenario from Mr. Obama’s point of view would be Scenario Number One.  It would mean that this entire episode has been a game and that he has a legitimate birth certificate, proving that he was born in Hawaii.  Most reasonable Americans are hoping that this is the case.  If so, then OK, Mr. President, you win!  Now would be a good time to ‘whip it out’ and make us all look like fools!

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It’s Time for a Budget Showdown

Whatever it Takes 

          No one wants a government shutdown, but if that’s what it takes to make the tax and spend liberals get with the program, then bring it on.  We simply cannot continue to spend money at the rate our treasury has been bleeding since Democrats took control of Congress in 2007.  During the 2010 midterm elections, taxpayers spoke loudly and clearly at both the state and federal levels, indicating their disgust with outrageous government spending and their clear understanding that this is a threat to both our economy and our national security.  It is not rocket science to conclude that this mounting debt will eventually have to be repaid by future generations. 

No Compromise!  

          The Tea Party movement, which has attracted millions of followers from all major parties, is a phenomenon that has not been seen before in our lifetime and which should be a warning to all elected representatives that Americans will not stand by and let this nonsense continue.  We salute the true leaders, like Congressman Paul Ryan (R) and Governor Scott Walker (R), both of Wisconsin, who are courageously fighting to carry out the will of hardworking Americans who want to put the brakes on spending.  The liberals need to know that we do not want endless debate, compromise or ‘give and take’.  The time for that is long past.  What we want is an end to reckless spending (period!) and we are willing to see the government shut down if that’s what it takes. 

Fiscal Crisis 

          Every American should be deeply concerned about the fiscal mess our country finds itself in right now.  As we pointed out in our article, Managing a Budget: 101, our current national debt is more than 13 trillion dollars ($13,000,000,000.00) which means that every U.S. citizen owes more than $43,000.00 as their portion of this debt.  This doesn’t even take into account unfunded obligations like Medicare and social security which could add another 45 to 50 trillion dollars to the national debt.  Since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007 the national debt has continued to increase by an average of more than 4 billion dollars per day!  The fact that 50% of our national debt is owed to foreign lenders, like some of the OPEC nations and Communist China, is a serious threat to national security. 

What Can You Do? 

          There is plenty that we can all do to turn this around before it’s too late.  First, join your local Tea Party group and support the Tea Party Patriots.  Call, write and email your senators, congressman, governor and state representatives to let them know you want this reckless government spending to stop now.  Finally, brace yourselves for a tough fight and be prepared for a government shutdown if that’s what it takes!

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Remembering Geraldine Ferraro

Remembering Geraldine Ferraro         

          While we may not have held the same views as Geraldine Ferraro when it comes to politics, we recognize her as a pioneer in the quest to open up more opportunities for women.  She was also a decent individual whose measured responses contributed greatly to the civil discourse in our country.  Finally, Ferraro was a survivor who inspired many others with her courage in facing a deadly disease. 

          As the Democratic candidate for Vice President of the United States running with Walter Mondale in 1984, she was the first woman in U.S. history to run on a national ticket for a major party.  Although Ronald Reagan was re-elected carrying 49 of the 50 states during that election, Ferraro took down a long standing barrier and secured a place for herself in the history books.  

          In subsequent years, Ferraro distanced herself from other liberals by eschewing their strident tone and their obvious distain for anyone who disagreed with them.  She was often willing to appear on conservative programs, engaging those who held opposing views with charm, respect and well reasoned explanations for her own beliefs.  Always comporting herself with aplomb and dignity, Geraldine Ferraro was an outstanding representative of the opposition point of view that is essential to a democratic government, confirming that it really does take two wings for the American eagle to fly.  

          Ferraro was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 1998 and lived many years beyond the usual survival time for this incurable blood cancer.  The courage she demonstrated by living life to the fullest in spite of this should be an inspiration to all.  Our country is a better place because of Geraldine Ferraro and we salute her many contributions to What Makes US Great.  We extend our heartfelt condolences to her family.

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Obama, The War President…Who Knew!


          I guess we should have recognized an early clue when one of Obama’s first acts as president was to authorize the shooting of three black teenagers in the head, to end the standoff between the Somali pirates and the Maersk Alabama back in April 2009, just two months after his inauguration.  Now, Mr. Obama has committed American troops to a third simultaneous war in a Muslim nation by entering the fray in Libya.  For the man who as a senator voted against the troop surge in Iraq and then denied that it worked, it was a surprise when Obama implemented his own troop surge in Afghanistan, albeit after much dithering and indecisiveness.  Since dithering and indecisiveness seem to be his modus operandi, it is not surprising that our entry into the War in Libya came after two weeks of vacillation (see WOW) and conflicting statements and then only under the leadership of the ‘new leader of the free world’, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner? 

          What really is surprising is the fact that Obama, the evermore dubious winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, committed the United States to a war, which does not directly impact the security of our nation, without seeking authorization from Congress.  Both George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush sought and received authorization from Congress each time they committed American troops to battle.  Where are the war protesters who closed down bridges and marched on federal office buildings after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were initiated?  Where is the mainstream news media condemning the president for interfering in a civil war without authorization?  Where are the left wing nuts claiming Obama’s motive for going to war in Libya is for oil?  I guess regime change and nation building are ok now.

Speaking at Cross Purposes 

          Obama’s foreign policy does not seem to have any cohesive or consistent structure, making it difficult to figure out what his next step will be.  The top level of leaders(?) are all speaking at cross purposes.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says a ‘no fly zone’ won’t work.  Obama says a ‘no fly zone’ will work.  The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen* says Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi can stay.  Obama says Gaddafi must go (after he said he could stay).  Perhaps this is all part of Mr. Obama’s strategy to keep our enemies guessing, but I doubt it.  Instead, it seems downright scary to me!

He’s No George Bush!  

          Obama’s apology tour undercutting American exceptionalism, his refusal to lend even moral support to dissidents in Iran, while encouraging protestors against our long term ally in Egypt, and his willingness to share troop withdrawal deadlines with the enemy all point to an inexperienced man who is way out of his league…a man who has no long term goals other than to diminish America’s role in world affairs.  It appears that even Hillary Clinton has finally realized that it was a mistake to become involved with this bunch of amateurs.  So, to answer our query as to whether Obama has become Bush III…I don’t think so!  Not even close.  Bush 41 and Bush 43 were real leaders…leaders, who made tough and correct decisions without regard to opinion polls. 

*The same Admiral Mike Mullen who, along with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, championed sodomy in the military barracks with his support of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. 

See our recent article: ‘Pentagon Failures Require Immediate Fix’

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