Jay R. Thomas

Atheists Insult Americans


          David Silverman bills himself as the President of American Atheists, but he knows it’s just a scam.  He is really Pastor of the Church of Atheists, because in reality the American Atheists represent the very thing by which they claim to be offended…religion!  Webster’s Dictionary defines religion as ‘a cause, principle or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith’.  It would certainly seem that the organization to which Mr. Silverman and his followers belong satisfies this definition.  After all, they have shown that they hold to their beliefs with ardor by purchasing expensive billboard space in several prominent locations throughout the country in order to display their message insulting the great majority of Americans who believe in God…calling their beliefs a scam.  If that isn’t enough, Mr. Silverman called the American people ‘stupid’ last night on the Bill O’Reilly Show.  As a Christian, however, I felt sad for Mr. Silverman when I heard him describe his idea of God as ‘an invisible man up in the sky’, or something to that effect.    

          I am reminded of a recent incident that occurred while I was attending a luncheon for a totally unrelated matter.  I had enjoyed my conversation with a very nice lady sitting next to me and towards the end of the luncheon she excused herself early, announcing to the table at large that she had to attend a meeting of the local atheist’s organization.  I thought to myself, if atheism is a lack of belief in God, then what do they have to meet about?  Then it dawned on me.  Atheism is, itself, a religion, with adherents, leaders and a shared set of beliefs.  And now, the proselytizing of Mr. Silverman and his small band of zealots has confirmed what I came to realize that day.  It is interesting to note that the insults promulgated by Mr. Silverman and his cult of American Atheists were dished out evenly to Christians, Jews and Muslims alike.  Some of the recipients of their hateful words are not likely to take it sitting down, if you know what I mean.

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Quotes of Note

Representative Paul Ryan, (Republican) Wisconsin

          On December 2, 2010 Republican Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin verbalized a key element of liberal doctrine when he responded to a question from Sean Hannity about the current economic situation in the United States.  Ryan described the liberal position as “the economic doctrine of telling people, you’re stuck in your current station in life, and the government is here to help you cope with it!”  He went on to say, “That’s not who we (the conservatives) are. That’s not what this country is all about. We want everybody to be successful”.  We couldn’t agree more and the American people made it clear in the 2010 midterm elections that they, too, still believe in the American Dream.

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Pentagon Failures Require Immediate Fix


          With the War in Afghanistan going poorly and military computers bleeding classified documents, there is something seriously wrong with the leadership at the Pentagon.  Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen seem to be more concerned about conducting a social experiment that would completely change the culture of the military, rather than spending every waking hour on solving the prodigious (see WOW) military challenges that face our country.  I’m talking about their obsession with political correctness at the expense of keeping this country safe. 

          Bucking all other heads of the military branches, Admiral Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations, has joined Gates and Mullen in calling for a change in the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) policy that has worked effectively for more than a decade.  One has to wonder why these men would favor implementation of the homosexual lifestyle into a military that is known for and depends on strict order and discipline.  Just how far on the spectrum of homosexual behavior are they willing to go?  Would it stop at men kissing and holding hands in uniform or would they also condone sodomy, the hallmark of the gay lifestyle?  Perhaps they would even be willing to embrace the far extreme of the homosexual behavior spectrum and would consider it a gay soldier’s right to have a sex change operation at the military’s expense, if he decides that he is living inside the wrong body. 

          With all due respect, gentlemen, please come to your senses!  We are in a desperate war with an enemy who wants to do away with America.  We are fighting it on numerous fronts throughout the world and now in cyberspace as well.  We do not need any unnecessary distractions at this time or at any other time, for that matter.  Ask anyone who has served or is now serving in the military and they will tell you that Gates, Mullen and Roughead are way off base.  The great majority of those who have served would tell you that DADT should remain intact.  We believe that to even be considering a change in policy at this time demonstrates a serious lack of judgment.  We are, therefore, calling for Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen to step down and make room for those who are willing to ‘man up’ and put every resource into fighting this war on all fronts until victory has been achieved.  That is the kind of behavior we expect from our military leaders.  

See Related Article: ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Actually Works’, November 17, 2010

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