In a recent issue of the New York Times, Thanassis Cambanis wrote a review of Scott L. Malcomson’s book, Generation’s End. In it he describes how Malcomson and his wife console each other over “America’s bellicose (see WOW) response to 9/11”. It seems to me that Mr. Malcomson should have been consoling himself over the horrible loss of life inflicted on his country by a brutal enemy on that day nine years ago. Does he need to be reminded that more lives were lost on 9/11 than during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941? In each case the unprovoked attack signaled that the perpetrator had officially declared war on the United States. A good case could be made that, the Clinton administration was asleep at the wheel for eight years, as the enemy slowly increased its attacks, leading to the crescendo that was 9/11. It is not surprising that Mr. Malcomson works for the New York Times and subsequently worked for the United Nations. It is this kind of wrongheaded thinking that has led many to believe that the brains of liberals are simply wired differently than those of the rest of us. For mainstream Americans it is inconceivable that we would have had anything but a bellicose response to the attacks on 9/11!
If it wasn’t already clear, the liberals at National Public Radio (NPR) exposed their political agenda for the entire world to see when they summarily fired Juan Williams on Wednesday. Mr. Williams is no conservative, but he is a decent man who has been willing to step up to the plate and contribute to a civil discourse between members on each side of the political divide extant (see WOW) in our country today. Mr. Williams merely stated his personal feeling that he gets nervous on an airplane if he sees people in Muslim garb. I cannot image that Mr. Williams has a prejudiced bone in his body, but this was apparently too much for the liberal ‘thought police’ at NPR who obviously want to limit our right to free speech in favor of political correctness. It seems that liberals can say just about anything with impunity because it is always in the name of ‘diversity’, but anyone who expresses an opposing view is guilty of ‘hate speech’. Well, we have had enough. We will not have our tax dollars supporting a biased, one-sided organization like NPR. Putting an end to the funding for NPR should be added to the long list of items to be accomplished when conservatives regain control of Congress.
We Once Had a Real Leader, President Richard M. Nixon
It’s almost pathetic to hear the President of the United States whining about the coverage he has received from the news media, but that’s just what Mr. Obama has been doing recently, never mind that all the major networks and all but one cable outlet have been in the tank for him from the outset. Referring to Fox News, the nation’s highest rated cable news channel, he even went so far as to say that it was ‘destructive’ to the United States.
Imagine what it must have been like not so long ago when there were no cable news outlets and only three major networks, all of which were firmly on the side of the liberal Democrats, just as they are today. That is the situation that President Richard Nixon found himself in when he assumed the presidency in 1969. For the six and one half years he was in the White House, the TV news anchors at ABC, CBS and NBC battered him on a nightly basis until the American people, presented with no alternative, eventually began to believe what they said, whether it was true or not. Night after night Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite at CBS, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley and John Chancellor at NBC and Harry Reasoner, Frank Reynolds and Howard K. Smith at ABC railed against President Nixon and everything he stood for, including his efforts to win the Vietnam War. All the while the Democrat controlled Congress slathered as they awaited their opportunity to move in for the kill after their comrades in the news media had sufficiently worn him down.
The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda, California
Any rational student of history would conclude that President Nixon did not order the Watergate break in. Even if, as some historians claim, he withheld information in an effort to save some of his subordinates who apparently did know about it, that’s still a far cry from what Impeached President Clinton did. Clinton lied under oath, committing perjury, to save himself! In the end President Nixon did what any good leader would do by taking full responsibility and, though he knew he didn’t deserve what was happening to him, he graciously stepped aside when he could see that staying would not be in the best interests of the country.
One can only imagine how much different our country and world might be if President Nixon had been able to finish out his second term. The War in Vietnam was not lost until Congress cut off funding. The anti-communist forces in Vietnam collapsed just months after the president resigned, unleashing the genocidal killing fields that cost millions their lives. Let us never forget those who were responsible for the loss of one of America’s greatest presidents. Fortunately, President Nixon left a rich legacy in his prolific writings after he was president, giving the world a guide for navigating the future. Now there was a real leader! Indeed, Mr. Obama should consider himself lucky to have only one news network presenting a ‘fair and balanced’ view.
Gus Bevona, the very personification of the fat-cat, thug-promoting union boss, died last month of unknown causes. The New York Times reported that Bevona, whose father was suspected of having mob ties, headed New York City’s Local 32B-32J of the Service Employees International Union for nearly two decades. While the hard-working members of his union were making less that $30,000 a year, Bevona had a $450,000 a year salary and a lifestyle to match. Andy Stern, the far left former head of the ‘purple shirts’ at the radical SEIU and a close protégé of Barack Obama, could only say that this salary was ‘excessive’. Bevona stepped down from his position in 1999.
If unions are to remain relevant, they must be taken back by their members. Do you know how much the bosses of your union make each year? Is your hard-earned monthly union dues payment going to support their extravagant lifestyle? It might be interesting to pay a visit to the offices of your union ‘leaders’ and check out the lavish digs that you finance. If you’ve had enough, go to union meetings and voice your disapproval concerning what they do with your monthly dues. Let them know that you disapprove of having your money go to support the campaigns of liberal politicians who you oppose. Tell them that you are fed up with how they protect poor performing co-workers for whom you have to take up the slack. And finally, tell them that you want to keep the right to a secret ballot in all union issues!