Jay R. Thomas

Temper Tantrums of Children

Left Wing Temper Tantrums

          It doesn’t look like the childish temper tantrums of the left-wing America haters are going to abate any time soon.  Like naughty children who don’t get their way, they are yelling, crying, hitting, throwing and spitting to show their displeasure at American becoming great again.  Perhaps the most egregious example of their idiocy is the tearing down of historic monuments.

Millennial Snowflakes

          It is the Millennials in particular, the ones who always got a participation trophy and never learned how to lose graciously, who are now going off the rails.  The liberal teachers who indoctrinated them from K through 12 ensured that they would become good little socialists and now their communist college professors are coddling them with hot cocoa, safe spaces and special counseling whenever an American speaker dares to visit their campus.

Trump Train Gaining Momentum 

          Clearly, their pathetic arguments can’t hold up to the conservatives who challenge them, so their only recourse is to throw a temper tantrum.  And their antics keep getting worse as they see the rest of the country moving on without them.  Keep it up, Snowflakes!  The more the rest of us see this display of hatred for our wonderful country, the more folks are joining the Trump Train!

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Schizogenderism Is a Mental Illness

Schizogenderism Is a Mental Illness

          Any sane individual would agree that a man who would voluntarily have his genitals mutilated has a serious mental illness.  Let’s face it, ‘transgenderism’ is a euphemism created by those who would have us believe that these individuals are normal.  Sorry, but you don’t get to name your mental illness.  Schizogenderism is a much more appropriate term to describe individuals with this mental disorder, which has its own code in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10, 2017).  Since medical experts throughout the world recognize this as a disease, an individual with this disorder is no more qualified for military service than someone with diabetes, asthma or schizophrenia.

Schizogenderism Is a More Accurate Term than Transgender

          Why is schizogenderism a more accurate medical term for this disorder?  As an example, let us look at the term schizophrenia which is derived from Greek.  Schizo means to divide, separate, cut or split.  Phrenia has to do with the mind.  Thus, the term schizophrenia refers to a division or breakdown between thoughts and feelings of the mind.  Schizogenderism, then, is a division or breakdown between an individual’s actual gender and the gender they want to pretend they are.   

Child Abuse and Medical Malpractice

          Parents who encourage their children to act like they are schizogendric are committing child abuse and those children should be removed from the home.  Doctors who participate in the chemical castration of children or the genital mutilation of anyone should have their medical licenses to practice immediately and permanently revoked.  For substantiation that a significant majority of Americans concur with this view, one need only look at the results of the last presidential election where the open acceptance, even promotion of schizogenderism by the liberal Democrats was simply a bridge too far.  

The Bottom Line

          Despite what the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ political action committee would like us to believe, schizogendric individuals are actually extremely rare.  It goes without saying that individuals who are truly afflicted by schizogenderism should be treated with respect, sensitivity and compassion, just as we would treat someone with any other illness.  And they should only be treated by a psychiatrist, not a surgeon or an endocrinologist.


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The New Regressives

A High School History Lesson

          I remember it like it was yesterday. As a freshman in high school my World History and Geography teacher, Mr. Curtis, described the spectrum of political systems and organizations by drawing a large circle on the black board. On the very top at 12 o’clock he placed democracy with the Democrat Party just to the left at a minute before 12 and the Republican Party just to the right at a minute past 12. As he moved down the circle on the right he went through the various right wing political systems until he got to the Nazis and their National Socialism (fascism) on the very bottom at 6 o’clock. Then he moved down the left side of the circle adding in turn socialism, Marxism and finally communism also at the very bottom. But how could fascism and communism both occupy the same spot at the bottom of the circle, we wondered? Mr. Curtis explained that both the right and the left political extremes invariably ended up as totalitarian regimes and therefore shared the same point on the political spectrum.

It’s Not Your Parents’s Democratic Party Any More!

          Fifty years ago the Democratic Party of President John Kennedy may have clocked in at one minute before 12 on the political spectrum, but the current Democratic Party is hovering around 9 o’clock. Some liberals have slipped so far down the left side of the clock that they are actually embracing the clearly recognizable tenets of fascism. In so doing they have actually become regressives rather than progressives. If you doubt this assertion, consider the following examples of how the Democrats have become diametrically opposed to the guiding principles of a once great party to become the new face of fascism.

Resurrecting Jim Crow and Its System of Segregation: Black students on campuses throughout the country are demanding separate functions and spaces. It should be no surprise that spineless college administrators are caving in. At Harvard, America’s once premier college, black students will have their own segregated graduation separate from white students. Will they soon have separate drinking fountains, too?

Involuntary Castration of the Mentally Disabled: Today, children with the psychiatric condition known as gender dysphoria are being chemically castrated before puberty to suppress the secondary sexual characteristics of their God-given sexual assignment. This devious form of castration is being performed on children who are too young to advocate for themselves. Forced sterilization programs were abolished years ago, although, ironically, the ultra-liberal state of Oregon was still practicing eugenics until the 1980s.

No More Free Speech on College Campuses: Mario Savio, the founder of the 1960s Berkeley Free Speech Movement, would turn over in his grave if he could see what’s happening on college campuses throughout the country today! Only those who parrot the communist tripe fed to them by their depraved America-hating professors are allowed to openly express their views. Any mention of American values will likely incite violent rioting.

Love and Diversity Replaced by Hate and Conformity: Peace, love and diversity were once the mantra of the liberal left, but it has been nothing less than shocking to see the display of hatred for diverse opinions by the left since the election of President Donald Trump.

Blind support for Anti-women Islamic Extremists: We constantly hear the insulting and false epithet ‘The Republican’s War on Women’, yet the leftists in America blindly support a culture that disrespects women in the most vile ways.

Claims of White Privilege Insult all Races: The claim that Caucasians have the advantage of so-called ‘white privilege’ implies that Blacks are inherently inferior. It seems the leftists have been reading Herrnstein and Murray’s ‘The Bell Curve’ and taking it seriously.

Climate Change-Climate Justice: In their futile attempt to keep up with the real science that has debunked their hysteria, regressives have gone from global warming to climate change to climate justice. The once proud progressives are now against all progress in order to stop CO2 emissions and prevent the sky from falling. And the last thing they want is for women in Africa to have the convenience of washing machines and dryers. Now that’s climate justice!

These are but a few examples of the utter hypocrisy of the socialist-fascists who are now trying of overthrow our government.

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