Jay R. Thomas

Mexican Bicentennial

Mexican Bicentennial     

          Congratulations to all the citizens of the United Mexican States as they begin a year of bicentennial celebrations.  September 16th marked the 200th anniversary of Mexico’s Declaration of Independence from Spain, but that day in 1810 was only the beginning of their War of Independence which they eventually won in 1821.  Today Mexico is a federal constitutional republic of 111 million people with a proud history and a rich cultural heritage, replete (see WOW) with colorful traditions that make it a popular tourist destination for visitors from around the world.

          I don’t know about you, but I’ve always believed that next door neighbors should have a special status in the hierarchy of friendships.  The United States is extremely fortunate to have a good friend on both its Northern and Southern Borders.  Canada and Mexico should be, and I believe are, our closest and most cherished friends.  That’s not to diminish our important relationships with other close allies, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Israel, Japan, the Republic of the Philippines and many others.  It just means that next door neighbors have a special bond.  The citizens of the United States are happy to share many of the cultural attributes of Mexico, including our mutual love of freedom and independence, our strong Christian faith and our belief in hard work and traditional family values.  Oh, and let’s not forget Mexican music and Mexican food!

          Of course, there will always be tensions, even between good neighbors.  Perhaps a tree branch is hanging over the fence or a party was a bit loud.  But good neighbors work things out and, in the end, support one another and help each other in times of need.  Right now, Mexico is embroiled in a war against drug lords and is struggling through difficult economic times, just as we are.  But we will work together and eventually prevail against these and other problems…’ever the best of friends’.

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Iraq War Poll

Americans Say Iraq War Worth It

          A Fox News Poll conducted in early September 2010 indicates that the majority of Americans say the Iraq War was worth it.  In the poll 58% of Americans now believe the US ‘did the right thing’ by going to war, while 35% think we did the wrong thing.  A larger majority of Americans, 71%, believe that the Iraqi people are better off today because of our efforts, while 19% disagree.

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Tea Party Momentum

          Christine O’Donnell’s upset win in the Delaware Republican Senate Primary yesterday against nine-term establishment congressman, Mike Castle, was yet another stunning victory for the Tea Party Movement.  As this amalgam (see WOW) of conservative Independents, Democrats and Republicans continues to gather momentum heading into the midterm elections in November, it is exciting to think of the ‘changes’ that will take place in Washington. 

          One could only wish that Karl Rove, a political analyst who we greatly respect, might have been a little more positive about O’Donnell’s easy victory.  With the additional victory of Carl Paladino, another Tea Party backed candidate, in the New York Republican Primary for Governor yesterday, there is little question that this grass roots organization will be a force to recon with for the foreseeable future.

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Constitution Day, September 17

           With Constitution Day fast approaching (Sept 17) this is a good time for all Americans to pause for a moment and consider this remarkable document.  We celebrate on this occasion to commemorate the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention delegates signed the Constitution in 1787.  A Harris Poll in May 2010 found that 70% of adults in the U.S. deemed our nation’s founding document to be good or excellent.  One has to wonder about the other 30% who did not.  If we’re not vigilant, this base could grow, resulting in an increasing number of Americans who do not have the basic understanding of the Constitution that should be required of all citizens. 

          There is a reason why eighth grade students in our country spend a considerable portion of the year studying the Constitution and then must pass an examination in order to graduate, demonstrating their understanding of what it stands for and why it is so important.  Nevertheless, much more emphasis must be given to the Constitution in the classroom and, yes, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance each morning gives all students a moment each day to think about the how fortunate we are to live in this country, as well as to appreciate the Founding Fathers who laid down the principles that guide us and all those who fought to preserve them.

          Join me on September 17 in honoring the Founding Fathers and the incredible document they wrote…a document which is as relevant today as it was 223 years ago.

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