9-11 Remembrance
9-11 Remembrance
Every American and yes, every freedom loving individual throughout the world should pause for a moment today, Saturday, September 11, 2010 as we remember the atrocities that were inflicted on the American people nine years ago. Nearly three thousand civilians and military personnel were killed on that day in an unprovoked attack by radical Islamic terrorists. That’s more than the total number who were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, which catapulted our nation into World War II.
Take time to review the videos of the attack on the World Trade Center nine years ago in order to recharge your outrage and help steel yourself for the long battle ahead against this treacherous and brutal enemy…an enemy which, by the way, is involved in nearly all of the many conflicts taking place in the world today. Take time also to remember those who are serving our country ‘in harm’s way’ right now and those who have already given life and limb to help neutralize this bellicose (see WOW) element that is trying to transform a religion into a fascist political system. And finally, take time to think of the millions of decent, peace loving Muslims throughout the world who have also suffered under these extremists and who simply want to raise their families and have a normal life like the rest of us. If we are to prevail, we must all redouble our efforts to excise this cancer that has metastasized throughout the world.