Jay R. Thomas

Hail to the Chief, President Donald J. Trump

The Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump

          With the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States we have been given one more chance to Make America Great Again.  After the unfathomable reelection in 2012 of the worst president ever I didn’t think this would ever be possible again.  It is truly a miracle that we have a Republican President along with firm majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.  There is no question that the majority of Americans are behind our new president and support his agenda to Make America Great Again, despite what the polls would like you to think.  The legions of motivated Trump supporters will ensure that lawmakers immediately begin to undo the disastrous damage done by the Obama regime.

          Perhaps the most beautiful moment in a wonderful day of inauguration festivities was the sight of the Marine helicopter disappearing in the skies of Washington, D.C.  It was truly pathetic to observe the countenance of a disgraced and failed president as he envisioned all the great things that his successor outlined in his inaugural speech.  The new president is the diametric opposite of the anti-Christian socialist who has occupied our White House for the last eight years.  The handful of Bolsheviks spewing hate and vitriol in the streets during the inauguration weekend represent the hard core leftists who now see the handwriting on the wall.  They are angry because they must come to terms with the fact that America’s dalliance with socialism was a complete failure and the adults are now back in charge.  God Bless our new president and his wonderful family!     

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Republicans Sweep the Nation

An Utter Repudiation of Obama’s Socialism

        This week Republicans made a clean sweep in elections all across the nation, from the presidency to down ballot contests.  They will now be in control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.  Once President-elect Trump has made his first appointment to the Supreme Court, they will be in control of all three branches of the federal government.  For those of you who are recent college graduates, the three branches of government are the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch.  If that wasn’t amazing enough, Republicans now control 33 of the 50 governorships and 68 out of 99 state legislative chambers, an all-time high.  This decisive series of victories can only be interpreted as an utter repudiation of the disastrous eight year dalliance with socialism under Mr. Obama.

No Time for Reconciliation

          Even with the devastating news in 2008 that a radical socialist had been elected President of the United States there did seem to be one consolation…the Clintons were finished!  But eight years later, like a monster rising from the ashes, there she was again.  We have learned our lesson and must now prosecute Hillary Clinton to the full extent of the law.  The negative influence of the Clintons on this great nation must be ended once and for all.  While we should seek the support of moderate Democrats and encourage them to join our efforts in implementing the changes that need to be made, we must not feel compelled to compromise with the opposition on anything.  Unlike his predecessor, Donald Trump is likely to have a good rapport with Congress and his negotiating expertise will enable him to get bipartisan support without giving in.  Finally, we must seize this opportunity to squash the opposition while they are down!

Rioters Confirm the Democratic Party’s Shift to Extremism

          The post-election temper tantrums occurring in a few liberal regions of the country expose the opposition for what they really are.  They are radical socialist anarchists who want to undermine the United States of America.  These rioters do not love this country, its constitution or its time-honored tradition of peaceful transition of power.  The utter hypocrisy of everything they believe could not be more clearly demonstrated than in the violent rioting by the same folks who want to eliminate the Second Amendment because it leads to violence.  It is they who are the racists trying to divide the country into groups.  It is they who are the haters attacking anyone who disagrees with them.  Perhaps the radical extremism of the current Democratic Party is best exemplified by their transgender bathroom nonsense, a ludicrous proposition which may have been the straw that finally broke the camel’s back.  For these and many other reasons, African Americans, Latinos, Asians, moderate Muslims, disenfranchised Kennedy Democrats, union workers, members of the LGBT community and other traditionally Democratic demographic groups are finding a new home in the newly re-energized Republican Party.

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Trump’s Uphill Battle

The Trump Movement Isn’t Going Away Any Time Soon

          Donald Trump and his legions of supporters are fighting an uphill battle to win the presidency and ‘Make America Great Again’.  It seems they are in a three-against-one race, which would make it difficult for any candidate to prevail.  Trump is not only up against Hillary Clinton and the Clinton crime family, but also the ultra-liberal media and the establishment ‘Republicans’, if you can even call them that anymore.  It is this later group that has taken everyone by surprise and which stands to lose the most whichever way the election goes.  We’ve all known that the mainstream media has been in the tank for the Democrats since Walter Cronkite cavorted with the Kennedys…but to have establishment Republicans oppose the nominee of their own party?  That is unprecedented!  Perhaps they see the handwriting on the wall.  The movement started by Donald Trump will not simply go away after the election, which all but guarantees that the power of the Rinos will be greatly diminished.

Heroes and Villains

          Regardless of the outcome, the 2016 Presidential Election will change the face of the Republican Party and the conservative movement forever.  Rising to the top like cream in a milk barrel are conservative stalwarts such as Governor Scott Walker, Dr. Ben Carson, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina.  Joining them at the top will be media commentators like Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs and economist Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal.  Forever shunned from the Republican Party will be former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, Governor Jeb Bush, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and Colon Bowel, as well as the phonies at National Review, including Rich Lowry, William Kristol and Jonah Goldberg.  As a sick, confused individual, Glenn Beck will be in a ‘pariah’ class all of his own!  And finally, as much as it hurts, we have to acknowledge how terribly disappointed we all are in our beloved former First Lady Barbara Bush.  With the heroes and villains thus identified, the conservative movement will bound forward with new vigor now that the ‘outed’ quislings are no longer weighing us down.

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Obama Did Lie!

Congressman Joe Wilson (South Carolina) Was Right Calling Obama a Liar

          Remember when Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted ‘You Lie” at a joint session of congress in September 2009 when the new president stated that Obamacare would not be provided to illegal aliens?  Wilson was roundly rebuked for this outburst, but it turns out he was right.  California is the first state to begin providing Obamacare to illegal aliens.

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