Jay R. Thomas

Election Is Trump’s to Lose

2016 Presidential Election Is Trump’s to Lose

          The Democratic Party is fractured and out of touch with ordinary citizens, their nominee is reviled by Republicans and Democrats alike and the electorate is hungry for change.  This gives the Republicans a good chance of winning back the White House in the upcoming election.  Just four years ago when Barack Obama was re-elected after his failed first term, I didn’t think the Republicans would ever have another chance.  I went through the six stages of grief after coming to the conclusion that we were slowly, but inevitably losing our country.  But then a dynamic, attractive and eminently qualified candidate stepped up who spoke for the majority of Americans.  The meteoric rise of Donald Trump over the past year gave hope to all those who love this once great country…hope that we could ‘make America great again’.

Trump Will Need to Make Some Changes 

          For Donald Trump to win in November, however, he has some serious work to do.  First, he will have to change his tone to a more conciliatory one and refrain from posting his every thought on Twitter.  Next, he will have to humble himself and seek support from some folks he may not care for.  Finally, he will need to hone his skills in international affairs to prove his street creds and allay the concerns of those who doubt his ability to be an effective international leader.  This is asking a lot of a man who is not given to doing things any other way but his way.  If Donald Trump really wants to be president he will get to work on these assignments right away, but whether he does or not, he has my vote.


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A Very Disturbing Video from Travis Air Force Base

Travis Air Force Base Uniformed Thugs Forcibly Remove Veteran for Saying the Word, ‘God’!

          This disturbing video should strike fear in the hearts of every American.  A retired Air Force veteran was forcibly thrown out of a retirement ceremony for saying the word, ‘God’, during a flag folding speech.  It is nothing short of alarming to realize that we have come to this point in just a few short years.  The thugs in this video are a disgrace to every man and woman who has served in the armed forces of this great country.  Each one should be severely reprimanded for their actions and every leader in their chain of command, from the Commander of Travis Air Force Base down to the Officer in Charge of the retiree’s unit should be dishonorably discharged from the United States Air Force.  Incredibly, each one has been either promoted or assigned to a position of greater responsibility.  The leadership of our military has been infiltrated and taken over by those who have no respect for its traditions, its purpose or its history.  It is becoming increasingly apparent that this country is in serious condition and that we are in danger of losing it if we don’t stand up to this nonsense.

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Time to Rally around Trump

Trump May Not Be Perfect, But He’s Our Best Bet

          Who would have guessed when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States last June that he would become the Republican nominee!  With such an outstanding and diverse group of candidates, Trump was not necessarily my first choice, but there has never been any question that I would support him and vote for him if he became our nominee.  So why are some of the academic conservatives like Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry vowing to never support him?  And how about establishment stalwarts like the Bush presidents?  Are they serious?  Would they really rather have a liberal appointing the next Supreme Court Justice?

          If an outstanding candidate like Mitt Romney could not defeat a failed president in the 2012 election, it would have been a long shot that any of the conventional Republican candidates could win the presidency in 2016.  But Donald Trump is a different story altogether.  He is a phenomenon, a fresh new voice speaking for so many of us who are frustrated and angry about the direction our country has taken, particularly in the last eight years since socialism and moral depravity have wormed their way into all levels of government.  Trump has the potential to bring in voters who have not participated in an election in years, along with Kennedy Democrats and even disappointed, if confused, Bernie Sanders supporters.  With Trump, Republicans have a real chance to revitalize our party, make it ‘more inclusive’ and to win a general election once again.

          It’s time for the doubters to face the fact that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee.  Any attempt to deny him the role that he has clearly earned would be a disaster for the party.  And rather than even considering running another Republican as a third party candidate, we should instead be actively encouraging Bernie Sanders to run as the independent he claims to be.  So, everyone who loves this country must now come together and rally around Donald Trump.  No matter what his flaws, Trump is infinitely better than any candidate the Democratic Party would nominate.  It’s time for all good Americans to get on board.  Oh, and Donald, this would be a perfect time to start proving that your detractors are wrong!        

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Bernie’s Bullies

Bernie’s Brownshirts

          Isn’t it amazing how liberals control the dialogue through the press and Hollywood to such an extent that many people actually believe Trump and his supporters are the ones inciting violence?  The last I checked there have been no reports of Trump supporters disrupting Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton rallies.  All the violence has been perpetrated by Bernie’s Brownshirts trying to suppress freedom of speech at Trump rallies.  In my opinion, Republicans have shown incredible restraint in responding to these bullies who hate America.  Let’s take America back and make it great once again!

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