Jay R. Thomas

Biden at the Oscars

Vice President Joe Biden at the Academy Awards Ceremony

          It should come as no surprise that Vice President Joe Biden would be an active participant in the Academy Awards Ceremony this year. After all, the Socialist Party (formerly known as the Democratic Party) owns Hollywood or is it the other way around. It should also come as no surprise that Vice President Biden would have to make an impassioned plea for college ‘kids’ to stop sexually assaulting one another.

          This is exactly the kind of behavior you might expect from children who were encouraged to ‘act transgender’ in kindergarten and taught sex education throughout elementary school by the abortion promoters of Planned Parenthood. And it doesn’t help the moral fabric of our society when the American Academy of Pediatrics (once a respected medical association, now a political action committee) encourages health care providers to prescribe birth control pills and provide condoms to tweens and teens. This only legitimizes sexual promiscuity and misconduct.

          Now that the Supreme Court has legislated that marriage can be between any two or more living creatures, they have essentially put the government’s stamp of approval on this kind of behavior. None of us should be surprised, then, when children subjected to these negative influences grow up to be brats who sexually assault one another when they get to college. All of this reinforces the importance of getting your children out of public schools any way you can and reaffirms the admonition to not waste time and money on college!

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Economic Armageddon

Is the U.S. Economy Headed for Collapse?

          Last week the United States federal debt surpassed the $19 trillion mark. Almost half of that has accrued since Barack Obama took office in 2009, highlighting the exponential growth rate of our indebtedness. While it is true that both the Democrats and the Republicans are responsible for this national disaster waiting to happen, it is the spending frenzy of the left that has pushed us to the brink. In 1980 the federal debt was about 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP or total value of goods and services produced by the people of the United States during a year). The federal debt has now surpassed 100% of the GDP.

Borrowing from China to Give Aid to Pakistan

          It is of grave concern that foreign countries, not necessarily friendly to the United States, are loaning us money so that we can pay for all the goodies and then collecting interest on that debt. In 2015 the United States paid $223 billion (more than 6% of the federal budget) in interest on the national debt. As interest rates rise and we borrow more and more money, the amount of interest we pay will go up significantly. If you are not happy that your hard earned tax money is given as foreign aid to countries like Pakistan, consider this. Now, your taxes are going to pay for the interest on the money we borrowed from China so that we could give it to Pakistan!

Irresponsible Mismanagement of the Federal Budget

          This reckless and irresponsible mismanagement of the federal budget simply cannot be sustained. Many wonder if the recent wild volatility of the stock markets could be a harbinger of impending economic collapse in the United States. If and when that time comes, it is ironic that a new, fiscally responsible Republican president could be blamed for it if it occurs during his or her term in office. With so much at stake, is it any wonder that many Americans are sheltering their money in UTMs*!

*Under the Mattress

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Democrats Are Socialists

Democrats and Socialists Are One and the Same

          Earlier this week both Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party Charwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz were unable to explain the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist when questioned repeatedly by MSNBC Hardball host, Chris Matthews. And for a very good reason…there is no difference! The once proud Democratic Party in the United States has gradually been infiltrated by ultra-left-wing socialists since the election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008. This abrupt departure from traditional American values resulted from a loose collection of voters, including star-struck collegians, those with a racial guilt complex, a few hard core Marxists and a lot of uninformed voters who didn’t take time to find out that Mr. Obama is a socialist.

Republican Party Remains at the Center

           Back in 1960 the Republican Party was just to the right of center and the Democratic Party was just to the left of center, both actually very close in their ideals and principles. A review of the Republican Party Platform of 1960 reveals that the Party of Lincoln has changed very little since that time. On the other hand, the Democrats have veered far to the left of the party of President John F. Kennedy. For the benefit of recent graduates of universities like Harvard, UCLA and the like, especially those majoring in Gender Studies and Black Studies, I thought it might be helpful to review the definitions of a few important political terms. It is essential that every American high school graduate who intends to vote be familiar with the following basic concepts:

Capitalism: An economic system that features private ownership of the means of production (factories, land, etc.) and in which market forces determine the way in which goods are produced and the means by which income and profit are distributed.

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange of goods should be owned collectively or by a centralized government that plans and controls the economy.

Marxism: Marxist theory views socialism as the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism.

Communism: a theoretical political and economic system derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Capitalism Does the Most Good for the Most People

          It’s interesting to note that socialism rarely progresses to the utopia of communism that Marx envisioned, because dictators don’t want to give up their power…think Stalin, Mao and Hugo Chavez. As Lord Acton so aptly put it, ‘Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. While the Democrats in the United States today think of themselves as ‘progressive’, they are actually regressing to a political system that has failed everywhere it has been tried. Even the Russian Federation, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China are moving away from socialism and towards capitalism. As British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously remarked, ‘The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money’. So let us resolve to educate the ‘low information voters’ about the perils of socialism and return the Democratic Party back to its roots so that we can continue to have a vibrant two party system in the United States. And above all else, let’s not make the same mistake thrice.

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