Race Relations under Obama
Race Relations under Obama Have Tanked
The demonstrations at the University of Missouri, Columbia this week are just the latest manifestation of how race relations have deteriorated during the Obama years. Despite the election of our first Black president and years of ‘Black privilege’ in the form of affirmative action, welfare benefits and everyone else measuring their every word when speaking of or with people of color for fear of inadvertently hurting their feelings, the students at UM still claim to be victims of ‘systematic oppression’. Well, listen up, children! Oppression is what the citizens of Iran and North Korea suffer every day. You are not oppressed. You live in the greatest country in the history of the world and, what’s more, you are going to college. You need to quit wallowing in victimhood and be thankful for all the wonderful blessings you enjoy. So many great Americans of color have bought into the American Dream and made something of themselves. You can, too! Unfortunately, the anti-American antics of Black Lives Matter, Concerned Student 1950 and other phony socialist front groups have only alienated the white Americans who once supported their cause. You folks had better shape up. The rest of the country is losing its patience! Uh-oh, I better check and make sure it’s ok to say ‘folks’.
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