Boy Scouts Consider Lowering Standards

Last Bastion of Decency

The Boy Scouts of America is one of the last bastions of decency and wholesome activity for American youth and as such has earned a place on our list of organizations Worthy of Our Support.  In a hard fought case before the Supreme Court in 2000 (BSA vs Dale), the Boy Scouts of America won a 5-4 decision which upheld their constitutional right to freedom of association, confirming that a private organization can exclude homosexuals from membership and from serving as adult leaders.  Now, bowing to pressure from promoters of the radical homosexual agenda, several board members of the Boy Scouts of America have suggested that the Scouts consider changing the 103 year old principles that have guided the development of thousands of boys into successful, productive, decent men over the decades.  Up for discussion at their Irving, Texas headquarters this week was a change in membership requirements which would have left it up to local chapters to determine whether homosexuals would be allowed to insinuate themselves into the popular youth organization.  After a national outcry from scouts, parents, church groups and concerned citizens, the board wisely deferred making a decision until May.

The Boy Scout Emblem
The Boy Scout Emblem

It Will Never Be Enough for Gay Radicals

If the BSA board capitulates (See WOW) during its meeting in May it will still never be enough for those who oppose Scouting’s high moral standards.  Next they will want the Scout Oath and Scout Law to be changed to remove reference to God, along with the requirement to be reverent and morally straight.  Once they have gained that ground they will then press on until there are required merit badges in sodomy and cross dressing!  Most astute observers recognize that the current attack on the Boy Scouts is just another ploy by the liberal gay movement to normalize and seek approval for their behavior and, if successful, would provide another opportunity for them to recruit new members to their cause, as they are already doing in the public schools.  Recognizing that homosexuals constitute but a small subset of the total population, it is also important to distinguish radical instigators of the liberal gay movement from the great majority of homosexuals who lead well adjusted, successful and productive lives without wearing their sexuality on their sleeves (or their trousers, as the case may be).

Let Boys Be Boys

There are currently 2.7 million boys enjoying Scouting in the United States today.  We could learn a lesson from the Boy Scouts in Canada who lost more than half of their membership after they changed their policy in 1998 and began accepting homosexuals into their organization.  Between now and May deceptively normal appearing adult representatives of the radical gay movement will make the circuit of the liberal talking heads on national television and try to portray those who believe in traditional scouting as cruel, heartless bigots.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We want to make it very clear that we love and care about all human beings, whether they are gay or straight, and that we vigorously oppose any insensitive treatment of gender confused individuals, regardless of age.  We simply believe that boys should have somewhere to go for clean, wholesome fun away from the constant sexual tension that radical homosexuals, by their very nature and their ‘in your face’ attitude, inevitably bring to every aspect not only of their own lives, but the lives of those with whom they interact.  Further, we believe that it is especially important for boys whose fathers are absent from their lives to have a place to go where they are exposed to masculine male role models.

The Eagle Scout Award
The Eagle Scout Award

The Bottom Line

No pun intended, but let’s face it, sodomy is the defining activity of male homosexuals.  Most discerning adults should be able to agree that males engaging in this kind of behavior with other males is neither normal nor healthy, unless you would refute the conclusions of learned philosophers, thoughtful religious leaders, and well trained psychologists and medical professionals down through the ages.  That said, it is simply not responsible to purposely expose impressionable young boys to this aberrant lifestyle at a time when they are still developing their own identity and establishing themselves as individuals.  Let’s give them every chance to develop a normal sexual identity while enjoying the innocence of youth.  I do not remember there being large numbers of gay teen suicides before schools began encouraging kids to try out the homosexual lifestyle.  And I would venture to say that during scouting’s first 103 years no boy has been denied membership in the Boy Scouts for being gay, unless he purposely made an issue of it, as in the recent, highly publicized case of an Eagle Scout candidate.  Scouting, then, is perhaps the last place where boys and young men can get together for some wholesome fun without the cloud of deviant sexual behavior casting a pall on the jamboree.

What You Can Do

There is absolutely no need for the Boy Scouts of America to make this change in membership requirements.  They are on solid legal footing in maintaining the current standards and have the support of the great majority of those participating in Scouting.  We must all work together to remove the board members who are promoting this radical agenda, including Ernst and Young CEO James Turley and AT&T Inc. CEO Randall Stephenson.  The Boy Scouts of America must tighten its budget and seek new donors who share their moral conviction so that they can sever ties with the major donors who are pressuring them to change their policies, namely Merck, UPS and Intel.  It is time for all scouts and concerned citizens to come together, to be prepared and to be brave.  We must take every opportunity to challenge those who would destroy a venerable institution like the Boy Scouts of America.  Click on the link below and let the BSA Board Members know that you strongly oppose any change in the membership requirements.

Link to Boy Scouts to voice your opinion:


On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.


A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful,
Friendly, Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty,
Brave, Clean, Reverent

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