With Constitution Day fast approaching (Sept 17) this is a good time for all Americans to pause for a moment and consider this remarkable document. We celebrate on this occasion to commemorate the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention delegates signed the Constitution in 1787. A Harris Poll in May 2010 found that 70% of adults in the U.S. deemed our nation’s founding document to be good or excellent. One has to wonder about the other 30% who did not. If we’re not vigilant, this base could grow, resulting in an increasing number of Americans who do not have the basic understanding of the Constitution that should be required of all citizens.
There is a reason why eighth grade students in our country spend a considerable portion of the year studying the Constitution and then must pass an examination in order to graduate, demonstrating their understanding of what it stands for and why it is so important. Nevertheless, much more emphasis must be given to the Constitution in the classroom and, yes, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance each morning gives all students a moment each day to think about the how fortunate we are to live in this country, as well as to appreciate the Founding Fathers who laid down the principles that guide us and all those who fought to preserve them.
Join me on September 17 in honoring the Founding Fathers and the incredible document they wrote…a document which is as relevant today as it was 223 years ago.