We welcome the comments of our readers on this website. Please understand that all contributions will be screened before publishing. We will not accept any content that includes personal attacks or demonstrates a lack of respect for personal characteristics, such as race, sex or country of origin, nor a lack of understanding of other cultures, religions, political beliefs or one’s beliefs about sexual orientation. Jay Thomas can be reached by email at
I use a RSS feed to get majority of updates from sites. It is too tedious to regularly remember to go to each site. It is better for a list of the headlines and short summary to determine what article to open. Sites that dropped RSS has lost my frequent visits. I found your RSS feed @
but it hasn’t been updated since September 2021. If your RSS feed is at another location, I would appreciate it if you could share it with me. It may be the create RSS feature in the settings on your WordPress has been accidentally turned off.
I just noticed that you haven’t posted anything since August 2021. I hope all is well with you. So the RSS is likely not broken. Wish you was posting more. Especially to see your take on some of the latest going inside in DC. Would love to see your critique on Biden’s speech last night on his full fledged attack on the MAGA movement.