Transgender Nonsense
Perhaps the pendulum has finally reached its apex and is about to swing back. We are encouraged by reports that students at a Missouri high school have been protesting a policy that allows a ‘transgender student’ (who is actually a teenage boy) to use the girl’s restrooms and locker rooms. This disturbed young man was offered a unisex locker room, but ‘nooo’! He wants to change with the girls.
Before they have been fully indoctrinated by the liberal progs who have invaded our schools, kids inherently know what’s right and what’s wrong. They know that if you are born an anatomical male, you are a male and nothing can change that. But the liberals have systematically recruited students and encouraged them to act in ever more bizarre ways and then they wonder why there is a problem with bullying. As in this case, they encourage cross-dressing, which usually makes a person look like a clown, and then they wonder why 41% of transgender individuals attempt suicide compared to a national average of just 4.6%. The liberal progs also wonder why schools don’t have enough money and students aren’t learning. Hello! They’re wasting time and money on ridiculous issues like this!
Of course, we want to express our love and concern for all individuals suffering from gender disturbance disorders. They do not need a lawyer or a surgeon. They need a good psychiatrist who can help them through this serious psychological affliction. For more information, check out this excellent article that gives more detail on the student protests in Missouri: