If Liberal Policies Didn’t Work in the Past…
For nearly two and a half years the reckless, wrongheaded liberal policies of Barack Obama and his cast of socialist characters have wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy. What should have been a short-lived economic correction in 2008 has become a prolonged recession since Mr. Obama took ownership in January 2009. Now, there are signs that the economy is not only mired in a Carteresque stagnation, but is slowly sinking into a full-fledged Rooseveltian depression. Mr. Obama, you own this problem now, because you created it!
While there is a definite glimmer of hope since the conservatives regained control of the House of Representatives, a real resolution to this crisis will almost certainly have to wait until a new president is elected in 2012. Unfortunately, with the economy in such a precarious (see WOW) position, it wouldn’t take much to tip us over right now. A series of natural disasters could do it!
Signs of the Times
This week it was reported that more than one million individuals applied for employment at MacDonald’s franchises! It is a testament to the times that so many people would be willing to work at an entry level position. Nevertheless, we salute those individuals for seeking work rather than sitting at home and collecting unemployment insurance which pays almost as much and goes on almost indefinitely. Unfortunately there were only 62,000 positions available at MacDonald’s. While it should not be surprising, another sign that does not bode well for the economy is that jobless claims rose by 25,000 the week ending April 23, 2011.
Another recent sign that the economy is in trouble is the rising cost of fuel, which causes the price of almost everything else to go up, which, in turn, means that fewer people will be spending money. Anyone notice the increase in your grocery bill lately! Perhaps the real wake-up call came when Standard and Poor’s, a ‘leader of financial-market intelligence’, questioned the prospects of the U.S. making serious progress in dealing with its mounting debt. On April 21, 2011, the credit rating agency lowered its outlook for America’s long term credit from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’. This not only sent chills down the spines of most Americans (and up the leg of Chris Matthews) but made ripples throughout the world, indicating a possible erosion of the status of the U.S. as the world’s most powerful economy and the dollar’s role as the dominant global currency.
What He Has Done
I’m willing to bet that most high school students in the U.S. could have predicted that almost everything Mr. Obama has done would lead to a worsening of the economy. His reckless spending has increased our national debt to more than 13 trillion dollars, much of which is owed to countries competing with the United States. This debt means that every person in our country owes more than $43,000 as their share and insures that future generations, for the first time, will not have the same economic security as those in the past. And what about forcing a new, poorly thought out entitlement program on an unwilling citizenry in this time of crisis? That may have been the final straw. Not only do we not want socialized medicine, but it would surely bankrupt us.
Obama’s relentless attack on the middle and upper classes with his constant threats of tax increases has caused these job providers to hunker down while waiting for a smarter, more experienced president to be elected. And following a long liberal Democrat tradition, Mr. Obama’s refusal to take advantage of the rich oil resources owned by our country has insured the steady rise in fuel prices noted above. In this case, however, it may actually have been intentional on his part…his way of getting all of us to return to the horse and buggy era. And you thought the liberals were forward thinking! Be forewarned, however, that the enviro-nazis plan to tax you for the flatulence expelled by those horses when the time comes!
Let’s Roll
While ‘Rome burns’ Mr. Obama is running around the country raising a billion dollar war chest for his reelection campaign. Perhaps that money would be better spent by paying down the enormous debt you have incurred for our country, Mr. ‘President’! If you, our readers, have had a difficult time finding meaningful work, if you’re feeling the effects of the dismal housing market, if you feel the pinch at the pump or the grocery store and if you worry about the future for your children and grandchildren, then you’re not alone. It is the responsibility of every citizen who loves the United States of America to stay on top of the issues and to help defeat Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. Many of you out there are already hard at work, helping to make this happen and you are, indeed, a big part of What Makes US Great!
No. It is mainly caeusd by McCainb4s insistence on blindly following the same policies as Bush. And he is now trapped in his avowed intentions, to such an extent that he now is forced to turn the presidential election into a farce. By making ridiculous claims of associating with terrorists, regarding his opponent, even though, at that time, he was only eight years of age. And millions of jobs are already being lost due to the policies of the financial laws being changed, by you know who, to allow Wall Street fat cats a free hand. Are you seriously suggesting that the Wall Street financial experts know anything about the economy, or even finance? Just take a long look at recent events in the financial areas.