The Unspeakable Savagery of Islamic Terrorists
The civilized world has been rocked with horror by the unspeakably savage murder of a captured Jordanian pilot by Islamic terrorists. As they learned the gruesome fate of LT Moaz al-Kasasbeh, who was doused with gasoline while confined in a cage and then burned alive, perhaps the ostriches of the world finally heard their wake-up call and will get their heads out of the sand. It is difficult to imagine how any human being could do such a horrific thing to another human being. But then, we are dealing with the ‘religion of peace’ which has no regard for human life or limb. These savages must be immediately squashed like the cockroaches they are wherever they exist throughout the world.
Obama is Responsible
Mr. Obama, whose world view is shaped by his years as a Muslim boy, reacted to this atrocity by saying, ‘whatever ideology they’re operating off of, it’s bankrupt’. Really? You are supposedly the gifted speaker from Harvard Law School and you can’t articulate it a little better than that! How can the President of the United States not know that the ideology of these beasts is to kill anyone who doesn’t agree with them? That’s a little more than bankrupt! It is perverted, inhuman and brutal! Mr. Obama, your Islamic sympathies combined with your inexperience in world affairs are directly responsible for the situation the world finds itself in today. You and anyone associated with your administration should be held accountable for the loss of all that we fought for in the Middle East over the last decade.
Allies Forming Up for World War Three
We are clearly at the precipice of World War Three and anyone who denies this is delusional. The world is looking for a few leaders, brave men like President Harry Truman, who are not afraid to define and confront the enemy. We’re looking for a leader like Winston Churchill to replace the Neville Chamberlin in the White House. There is some glimmer of hope when we see brave civilians from the U.S. joining the Kurdish fighters in Iraq to fight ISIS. And we can be thankful for strong pro-Western leaders like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, King Abdullah II of Jordan and President el-Sisi of Egypt. But now it’s time for moderate Muslims to make themselves heard. Step up and show us that you do actually exist. With the beheadings of two Japanese citizens by these same monsters, perhaps Japan will now join the coalition to defeat ISIS. It would behoove Russia, China, Turkey and all nations of the European Union to join the fight with coalition forces, which currently include Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Let’s roll!