Whatever it Takes
No one wants a government shutdown, but if that’s what it takes to make the tax and spend liberals get with the program, then bring it on. We simply cannot continue to spend money at the rate our treasury has been bleeding since Democrats took control of Congress in 2007. During the 2010 midterm elections, taxpayers spoke loudly and clearly at both the state and federal levels, indicating their disgust with outrageous government spending and their clear understanding that this is a threat to both our economy and our national security. It is not rocket science to conclude that this mounting debt will eventually have to be repaid by future generations.
No Compromise!
The Tea Party movement, which has attracted millions of followers from all major parties, is a phenomenon that has not been seen before in our lifetime and which should be a warning to all elected representatives that Americans will not stand by and let this nonsense continue. We salute the true leaders, like Congressman Paul Ryan (R) and Governor Scott Walker (R), both of Wisconsin, who are courageously fighting to carry out the will of hardworking Americans who want to put the brakes on spending. The liberals need to know that we do not want endless debate, compromise or ‘give and take’. The time for that is long past. What we want is an end to reckless spending (period!) and we are willing to see the government shut down if that’s what it takes.
Fiscal Crisis
Every American should be deeply concerned about the fiscal mess our country finds itself in right now. As we pointed out in our article, Managing a Budget: 101, our current national debt is more than 13 trillion dollars ($13,000,000,000.00) which means that every U.S. citizen owes more than $43,000.00 as their portion of this debt. This doesn’t even take into account unfunded obligations like Medicare and social security which could add another 45 to 50 trillion dollars to the national debt. Since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007 the national debt has continued to increase by an average of more than 4 billion dollars per day! The fact that 50% of our national debt is owed to foreign lenders, like some of the OPEC nations and Communist China, is a serious threat to national security.
What Can You Do?
There is plenty that we can all do to turn this around before it’s too late. First, join your local Tea Party group and support the Tea Party Patriots. Call, write and email your senators, congressman, governor and state representatives to let them know you want this reckless government spending to stop now. Finally, brace yourselves for a tough fight and be prepared for a government shutdown if that’s what it takes!