Which Path Will They Choose?
Raising concern in Western quarters, Libya’s interim leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil has declared that ‘Islamic Sharia law would be the basic source of legislation’ in the new Libya. As the National Transitional Council begins to form a new government from the ashes of the Qaddafi dictatorship, it remains to be seen whether Libyans will truly embrace an economic system and a democratic society that promote equality and freedom, in particular, freedom from fear of barbaric punishments like limb amputation and stoning of women. Replacing one form of terror with another would undermine any advances made thus far by the ‘freedom fighters’ in Libya.
Seize the Moment
We applaud those Libyans who’ve made great sacrifices in their own personal lives to depose a tyrannical dictator and we encourage them to continue their struggle to throw off oppression and reject radical leaders who will now try to steer them off course. With a rich culture, an educated population and a country blessed with natural resources, Libya is in a good position to set a shining example for other oppressed people throughout the Arab World. By establishing a free, secular, democratic republic they would not only build a better life for themselves, but might also encourage their neighbors to follow suit. Let us not forget that Tunisia to the west and Egypt to the east are now at the same busy crossroads.
The Road Less Traveled
The choice, then, is clear for the Libyan people. They can either join the world of freedom loving people or return to the tyranny of the dark ages. Unfortunately, either course will require more sacrifice and more suffering. Returning to the dark ages will insure that the suffering is indefinite. Taking the path toward freedom will offer a better life for future generations well into the 21st Century. Our hopes and prayers are with the majority of Libyan people who, just like the rest of us, want only to live in peace, practice their faith, raise their families and pursue happiness. So, keep your eyes on the prize and choose your leaders carefully!