Happy Mother’s Day!
A prestigious national medical group, which purports to advocate for the welfare of children, has recently proclaimed in essence that mothers are not necessary. We could not disagree more and believe that mothers are not only necessary, but they are essential…and fathers, too. The best possible environment for nurturing a growing, developing child is a family with both a father and a mother. It is difficult to comprehend how anyone concerned about children could be swayed by the ‘political cause de jour’ from advocating what is in the best interest of children.
Of course, there are situations where a single parent must raise a child alone and many do so in an admirable way, but common sense, the lessons of history and the conclusions of many learned individuals tell us that the best possible environment for children is the traditional family unit headed by both a father and a mother. I cannot imagine what a different person I would be without both my mother or my father and I give thanks to God for having been blessed with such wonderful parents. We salute all the wonderful mothers who sacrifice daily for the welfare of their children and their families and wish them all a Happy Mother’s Day!
“There is no love like a mother’s—she who carries the child that God knits in the womb, she who nourishes and guides, she who teaches and inspires, she who gives of her heart and soul and self for the good and happiness of her children and her family.”
Ronald Reagan, Mother’s Day Proclamation, April 28, 1987