President Nixon Was One of Our Greatest Presidents
Forty years ago today President Richard M. Nixon resigned the office of the presidency, becoming the first and only president in U.S. history to do so. Many today might wonder how this could have happened when the absolute worst president ever currently occupies the White House with impunity. The explanation is actually quite simple. In the early 1970s, both the Senate and the House of Representatives were packed with liberal Democrats who could only be described as pathological ‘Nixon haters’. Couple that with the fact that there were no balanced news networks like Fox back then, only the three liberal networks, ABC, CBS and NBC. With left-wing news anchors like Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite spewing their venom every evening for more than a year, the American people were slowly brainwashed into believing that President Nixon had done something horrible. There is simply no other explanation for how a president who was re-elected by one of the largest landslides in history could fall so far in just two years. Rather than drag the country he loved through a divisive impeachment battle, President Nixon had the decency to resign, even though he knew he had done nothing to deserve being impeached.
What Might Have Been
One has to wonder how much better the world would be today if this great statesman had served out the remaining years of his second term. Vietnam would now be a democracy. The horrors of ‘the killing fields’ of Cambodia might have been prevented. President Nixon’s ‘war on cancer’ would have had the chance to fully blossom, potentially saving many lives throughout the world. The possibilities are endless, but, alas, all of this was quashed by a group of partisan politicians and liberal newsmen. In the end, President Nixon did nothing worse than any other president. Perhaps his greatest failing was that he misled the American people to protect some of his staff members. Contrast that with Impeached President Bill Clinton who lied under oath to protect himself! Forty years after the fact, President Richard M. Nixon is now regarded as one of our greatest presidents and I am proud to say that I have known that all along. We could sure use a good man like him now!