A Roundup of Recent News Reports on America’s Dalliance with Socialized Medicine
-In a recent report, PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute estimates that healthcare costs will increase by 6.8% in 2015.
-According to a report by the Urban Institute, the uninsured rate for children under the age of 18 hasn’t budged under Obamacare. The rate was 7% before and after the implementation of Obamacare.
-The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reported on September 15, 2014 that nearly half a million people could lose their subsidies or health insurance coverage obtained under Obamacare due to failure to document eligibility.
-Kaiser Health News reported on August 25, 2014 that Obamacare has enabled more transgender people, many of whom are low income individuals, to get sex reassignment surgery.
-Numerous news outlets have reported that costly ER visits have skyrocketed since the inception of Obamacare.
There are daily news updates chronicling the negative effects and disappointing outcomes of Obamacare and we will continue to track and report them here.