Race Relations in U.S. at Lowest Level in Generations

Race Relations in the U.S. Reach Historic Low

          With the explosion of Black anger targeting cities across America, one has to wonder how we got to such a low point in race relations after making so much progress in the past.  How could we have lost so much ground after electing the first Black president just six years ago?  How do you explain the dramatic increase in law enforcement problems in predominantly Black neighborhoods when the chief law enforcement officer of the country, Attorney General Eric Holder, is himself a Black American?  Well…it should be obvious to even the most unseasoned observer that race relations have gotten worse in this country because these two radicals have been picking at the scab of a healing country and then calling on quacks like Al Sharpton and other ‘professional Negros’ to rebandage the wound!

Little to Show after 45 Years of Assistance

          After years of favorable treatment under affirmative action programs, a relatively small number of Black Americans have actually taken advantage of the opportunity to buy into the American Dream.  Notable exceptions include our first ‘affirmative action general’, Colin Powell, and our first ‘affirmative action’ president.  Despite the fact that others have had to compete with one hand tied behind their back and despite the millions of dollars that have been wasted on the War on Poverty, many Blacks simply have not taken the necessary steps to begin reaping the great bounty that this wonderful country offers to anyone who is willing to work hard.  Much of the blame is not theirs, since welfare programs have predictably stifled their will to achieve success and self-sufficiency.  By making Black Americans dependent on them, well-intentioned liberals have only made things worse for them.  Consequently, many Black Americans see no way out and see themselves as failures for not improving despite all the help from the state.  It seems, they are now directing this frustration and disappointment in themselves at the very cities they live in.

The Simple Common Sense Solution

          Am I the only one who sees the simple common sense solution that Black Americans have had at their fingertips all along?  Stay in school, don’t get pregnant until you’re married and can afford to raise children, don’t use drugs, don’t commit crimes and don’t tangle with law enforcement officers.  This is a recipe for disaster no matter what your color.  A return to the family values that were once a staple of Black America with children being raised by a mother and a father is paramount.  Only Black Americans can solve this problem now and they can start by being thankful that they live in the greatest country in the world.  It’s time for all of us to accept the fact that there can be no more excuses.