“I’m Melting! I’m Melting!”
The very Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California (pardon the redundancy) reacted yesterday to having cold water thrown on her attempt to restrict the Second Amendment by banning assault weapons. Her immediate response was ‘I’m melting! I’m melting!’, or words to that effect. Even other Senate Democrats knew her attack on the Constitution could not be sustained. Her bill began to unravel when she was unable to answer pertinent questions from Texas Senator Ted Cruz about the Bill of Rights. For once, however, we agree with Mrs. Feinstein. She definitely does not look like a sixth grader! But she certainly acted like a sixth grader when she threw a temper tantrum to avoid having to explain the hypocrisy of her bill. If ever there was a case for term limits this is it! Kansas is looking better all the time.