Shifting Roles in a Changing World

A New Leader of the Free World

          One of Barack Obama’s primary goals has been to diminish the role of the United States of America on the world stage and he has succeeded beyond his wildest imagination.  The man who before his election in 2008 was hailed by foreign journalists as ‘a president for the world’ has now been reduced to a pathetic, impotent caricature in the eyes of most observers around the globe.  His utter lack of a cohesive foreign policy, his failure to recognize the dangerous threats to the free world and his vacillation and indecisiveness in dealing with numerous international crises have all contributed to this predictable downturn in his political fortunes.  That is why many are suggesting that for the first time in years the leader of the free world is not the President of the United States, but perhaps Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel or Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany.

Russia is the Sole Surviving Superpower

          While Barack Obama has been busy vacationing, golfing and dividing America with his socialist agenda, another world leader has stepped in to fill the leadership void, craftily taking advantage of this golden opportunity to further his imperialist agenda.  After just a few short years of Obama’s absentee presidency the balance of power has shifted so dramatically that Russia has now replaced the United States as the only superpower, with China coming in as a close second.  Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin (Vlad the Invader) has been patiently watching and waiting as American supremacy slowly ebbed away until now he is finally able to realize his dream of reverting the Russian Federation back to the old Soviet Union.  His invasion of the sovereign country of Ukraine without so much as a murmur from the United States, or from the United Nations either for that matter, gives him the ‘go-ahead’ to bring other former Soviet bloc countries back into his sphere of influence…think Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland for starters.  Alas, America is no longer the sole surviving super power and the President of the United States is no longer the leader of the free world.