Democrat Talking Points
Socialism is a broad term describing an economic system where the means of producing and distributing goods is owned supposedly by ‘the people’, but more often by a centralized government run by a small group of elite individuals (think Haavaad professors) who plan and control the economy. The goal of socialism is to eliminate competition and private property and to redistribute wealth. While this sounds an awful lot like the Democrat Party talking points, this brief explanation actually describes the main theories of socialism. In Marxist-Leninist theory socialism is considered to be a transitional state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism, which includes political control as wells as economic control of its subjects.
Capitalism Does the Most Good for the Most People
Socialism doesn’t work and never has. Capitalism does work and has proven to be the economic system that does the most good for the most people. We are now witnessing the tragic and frightening consequences of Europe’s dalliance with socialism and would be well advised to see this as a warning before it’s too late. The general election of November 2012 will be the most important election of our lifetime, because it will be our last opportunity to turn away from the socialist path down which the current administration has led us. The following video gives a succinct (see WOW) account of socialism which is illustrated through an exchange between the best president and the worst president in recent U. S. history. Even Debbie Wasserman-Schultz might be able to understand this!