The Obamunitsts Just Don’t Get It!
For all the Ivy League educated elitists in their ranks, the Obamunists simply have not been able to grasp the inverse relationship between taxes and jobs. This simple equation was definitively confirmed by President Ronald Reagan and was subscribed to even by Democrats such as President John Kennedy and Impeached President Bill Clinton. One would think that after more than two years of failed policies and an economy worsening by the day under his (lack of) leadership that Mr. Obama would finally give up his dream for a Socialist States of America. But, NO! He’s still clinging to his radical left wing ideology like the proverbial ivy on those hallowed brick walls.

Where Are They Now
No wonder all but one member of Mr. Obama’s original team of erudite (see WOW) economic advisors have bailed out like rats from a sinking ship. The American people were way out ahead of the professors in Washington on this one. Of the original group that voted for Mr. Obama in 2008, a substantial number seem to now realize they were duped into believing that this slick-tongued young man could really lead our great country. Hats off to all of you for admitting your mistake and returning to the ranks of the Independents, Republicans and Tea Party Patriots!
What about the rest of his original supporters? Well, about 25 percent of them comprise that ever present bedrock of the Democrat Party…those rigid liberal ideologues bent on changing our country forever in a way that would decrease the quality of life for everyone and diminish our stature in the world. At least they have a sincere belief and know why they believe. But shame on the remainder of Obama’s original supporters who have no clue as to what’s going on and still support him for the same reason they voted for him in the first place…because ‘he seems like such a nice guy’.
Back to the Equation…Here’s How it Works, Mr. President
I know you are a regular reader of my postings, Mr. Obama, because I can see that a visitor has logged on to my blog at least once each day from such places as Martha’s Vineyard, the Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia, Woody’s L Street Tavern in Boston, and the Four Seasons Restaurant in New York City. So I am going to take this opportunity to spell it out for you in terms that even a Ha’va’d lawyer can understand. By the way, just curious, but was that you logging in from Pinky’s D.C. Lounge after your meeting with the Republicans the other day? Anyway, here goes.
A very simple equation:
-Successful businesses, large and small, run by hard working people, make profits. That’s what they’re supposed to do.
-Many of them want to invest some of that profit in expanding or starting a new business.
-This requires hiring additional people (creating jobs) to support those businesses.
-More people working means more people paying their legitimate share of income taxes.
-Punishing success by increasing taxes on those with more money (or even the threat thereof) causes these potential entrepreneurs to hold on to their money rather than to reinvest it and hire more workers.
-Ergo: when taxes go up, the number of jobs goes down.
Is that simple enough for you, Sir? How ‘bout this:
Taxes↑ = Jobs↓
Can you not see that you will bring in more tax revenue from all the new jobs created when you enable entrepreneurs to expand or start new businesses…simply by leaving them alone? Just cut their taxes and lift the burden of regulations on businesses and you will be amazed at how the unemployment rate will go down and the economy will grow.
Sadly, most of us are sitting on our money until we elect a new president in 2012 because we have little hope of any change while the Obamunists are in charge. Let us hope the Obama Depression doesn’t get even worse in the interim.
God Bless All Our Fallen and Wounded Heroes. We must not forget their sacrifice as well as that of their families.