The President’s Address


           Sounding more like Steve Urkel than the Commander-in-Chief, President Obama looked somehow out of place as he addressed the world this week from the Oval Office.  Reading a loosely organized speech with his trademark teleprompters discretely out of sight, he seemed to be reassuring the Taliban that he will begin withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan by July 2011 and that they need only hold out for a little while longer.

            Unabashedly taking credit for the success of the War in Iraq, he avoided mentioning that he had opposed it and that the triumph of good over evil in that fledgling republic was actually achieved in spite of him.  As a senator and a presidential candidate Mr. Obama worked diligently against our efforts in that war, because it detracted from what he considered to be the right war, the War in Afghanistan.  Well, Mr. President, the War in Afghanistan is now your war and you will actually be responsible for the outcome.  Let us hope that you understand how important it is for our country and the world to achieve another victory.

1 thought on “The President’s Address”

  1. What a weak organizer in chief. He should have had PRESIDENT Bush with him at a military installation for the speech. He is going down!

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