Airmen Stand Up to Bullies
There can be no question that the United States of America is under attack on multiple fronts from within. Whether it’s the socialists trying to ruin our economy, the homosexual recruiters infiltrating our public schools or the so-called immigration ‘advocates’ trying to overrun our country with drug dealers, each one is waging a war on America and everything that we stand for. And each of these enemies from within have a common ally defending them…liberal lawyers. Over the last several decades this war on America has opened on a new front…the War on Christmas, led by a small group of atheists, some multiculturalist-diversity groupies and the pc crowd. Good heavens, even Santa Claus and the venerable Christmas tree have become targets of their hateful invective (see WOW).

‘War on Christmas’ Deniers
For those who deny that there is a War on Christmas, take note. A single atheist at Travis Air Force Base out in Fairfield, California was apparently offended by the annual display of holiday greetings at the entrance to the base, a display that has helped bring the holiday spirit to thousands of military heroes and their families each Christmas over the past 17 years. The display consists of signs offering holiday greetings from the various squadrons represented on the base, as well as a Nativity Scene and Menorah. The lone atheist reported to ‘The American Atheists’ that he was offended by this cheerful display, whereupon this dissident organization representing a miniscule segment of American society immediately threatened legal action against the Air Force. Threatening to sue is, of course, their modus operandi. To his credit, the Commanding Officer of the Air Force Base refused to remove the Christmas display. Instead, the publicity seeking atheist was diplomatically allowed to put up a sign along with the other holiday displays.
Atheist’s Display Acknowledges Christmas Holiday
Ironically, the sign put up by the atheist at Travis AFB acknowledges the Christmas holiday season simply by its placement alongside the other holiday greetings and by using the words ‘Holiday Season’. We salute the Air Force and the Commanding Officer of Travis Air Force Base for standing up to the bullies who are waging war on Christmas. The great majority of folks who live or work at Travis Air Force Base or who visit there for medical care enjoy the display every year. And most would be honored to have someone greet them with a ‘Happy Hanukkah’, or ‘Happy Chinese New Year’, or a ‘Ramadan Kareem’…as well as ‘Merry Christmas’! One has to seriously question the stability of someone who would be offended by Christmas. Come on! There is nothing offensive about Christmas…the most inclusive, welcoming, up-beat holiday around! For heaven’s sake, Christmas displays are popular even in Japan and atheist China now! You would have to be a real Scrooge or perhaps a liberal with a political agenda to eschew Peace, Joy and Good Will. Or maybe some people just enjoy wallowing in victimhood. Bah, Humbug!

Christmas is an American Tradition that is Here to Stay!
Let this be a clarion call for those of us who cherish our nation and the Christian values upon which it was founded. We simply are not going to allow a few disgruntled individuals or a bunch of liberal lawyers or a small contingent of ‘America bashers’ to diminish a sacred Christian holiday that has not only become a beloved American tradition, but is part of the legal fabric of our country. After being approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, Christmas was officially declared a federal holiday by President Ulysses S. Grant in 1870. Since then (and long before) millions of Americans have enjoyed the Christmas holidays as a time to celebrate the Savior’s birth with family and friends. A Gallup poll suggests that 95% of Americans today celebrate Christmas. We will be watching very carefully next year, expecting the Nativity Scene to be on display once again at the entrance to Travis Air Force Base. In the meantime, you can do your part by joining me in wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!