An Indelible Image of Depraved Barbarity
There is a photo circulating on some news and social media sites which is so horrible that I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. It shows a little boy around five years old hanging from a rope, allegedly killed by Muslims because his family was Christian. It is difficult to know whether photos like this are authentic, but if this one is, it has to be one of the most horrible things I have ever seen. One can’t help but imagine the terror this child experienced at the hands of his captors. One also has to wonder whether he was forced to watch his parents meet the same fate before him. He must have suffered greatly as he was slowly asphyxiated to death.
The World Has Seen Such Evil Before
That any human being would do this to anyone, let alone a precious child, is beyond comprehension. This evil act shows the extent of depraved barbarity exhibited by the Islamic Terrorists and should be a wake-up call for every peace loving person in the world. It is impossible not to be horrified by this image. To see something evil like this and not act against it would be to repeat the mistake of those who stood by during the horrors of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Let all decent people throughout the world resolve to wipe this hideous scourge from the planet.