Who Knows What?
President George W. Bush who graduated from Yale University was nonetheless often portrayed by the left wing liberals as a buffoon. I have to admit, I did cringe every time he said ‘nucular’ instead of ‘nuclear’ and wondered why no one corrected him in the eight years that he was our president. Now many of us long for the common sense, steady approach he maintained while he was at the helm and would trade away the reckless professors currently in charge in a heartbeat. These same professors now look down on the Tea Party Patriots and all conservatives as a bunch of illiterate yokels and believe they need to tell us what to think and what to do.
The results of a Pew Research Center poll released last week tell a far different story, however. The very subgroups that the Democrats depend on to get reelected fared considerably worse than the Republicans when asked some fairly basic questions. To cite just one example, only 55% of Blacks, 36% of Hispanics and 49% of those ages 18-29 years old knew that Joe Biden is the Vice President. Contrast that with the 65% of Republicans who knew…and I suspect the other 35% were just in denial.
I, for one, look forward to having the common sense, anti-elitist, non-intellectuals back in control of Congress. The way things are going, it may be just in time. In the last three weeks running up to the election on November 2, each one of us should contribute some time and money to the conservative candidates. Walk a precinct, make phone calls, write a check…what ever you can do to help. It’s just that important!